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Japanese English
The image using here is under development and may be different from the displayed contents in a real product to some extent. In addition, the displayed calendar is imaginary.
MyCalen(Japanese name:WatakusiKoyomi).
Widget(Home screen placement type application).
Layout Size:
4 blocks wide. 2 blocks height.
Target Device:
A smart phone, A tablet PC, etc.
Target OS:
Android OS = After Android 2.2(Froyo).
Use to:
This is displayd calendars or plans. Planned management. Alarm. A timer.
Applisacc Co.
Contact Us:
answer-service @ applisacc.jp (Please remove the space in both sides of '@'.)
* This application locates it to the home screen (standby screen) and always displays it.
MyCalen which was placed to the home screen
* The color of the letter of the date changes by Sunday or Saturday or weekdays.
* In the Japanese area, this application displays the Rokuyou-Days in Day-of-Week indication column on a current day.
* When change the color of each part, you can operate it on your wall paper image set in your device and can really confirm a placed hue easily.
* Date-Groups which you can register is five kinds of Date-Plans-Definition, Time-Schedules-Definition, Regular-Days-Group-Definition, Event-Days-Group-Definition and General-Holidays-Group-Definition in order having high priority.
* The order that Date-Groups is displayed is General-Holidays, Event-Days, Regular-Days, Date-Plans, Time-Schedules.
* In Date-Groups of Time-Schedules-Definition and Date-Plans-Definitions this application can inform the Start Time by a sound and vibration.
* This application comes to be able to make the calendar which a user expects in Date-Definitions which added Date-Plans-Definition, Time-Schedules-Definition to 11 Date-Definition-Types freely.
* Some Date-Definitions is registered beforehand.
Japanese area:
All current National Holidays, 24 divisions of the solar year, main standard days signifying the changing of the seasons, some National Event Days, some memorial days, and others in the Japan.
Other areas:
All current National Holidays and main National Event Days in the United States.
* An external file can store registered Date-Definitions.
* You can take in Date-Definitions from External-Date-Definitions file.
Herewith, you can restore your data by a escaped External-Date-Definitions file and can update Date-Definitions by an External-Date-Definitions file supplied particularly.
* Various functions start by tapping a main screen.
* In the date when exchanging Date-Definition, I call a calendar displayed with main screens Calendar-Name collectively.
* Do not move this application to Outside Storage(ex. SD card). If you move this application to Outside Storage, this application do not work.
* Because Usage screen and the About screen display a document in the Internet, the environment where device was connected to the Internet is necessary.
When device cannot connect with the Internet, you access official page http://www.applisacc.jp/mycalen/mycalen.html of MyCalen in different device which can connect with the Internet, and look at a page to correspond to.
* When you carry out this application first, I install our original notice sound file "MyCalen PingPong" in the storage of your device.
* As for the number of Date-Definitions which you can register, the limit in the design of this application is not substantial.
However, consideration to the performance (transaction speed, memory capacity, storage capacity) of the device and application working at the same time may be necessary.
* When you switched on the device afterwards at time when you placed this application to the home screen, this application makes internal data.
Therefore it may take time for a while until this application displays right Calendar-Name.
The main screen which is starting
* When a date changes, and Calendar-Name of the next month came to be displayed by a main screen, this application may make internal data.
It may take time for a while then until this application displays right Calendar-Name.
When you download this application MyCalen from the official application offer sites such as the Play Store, installation is carried out automatically.
Practice method
Step 1.
Please install this MyCalen in a device.
Step 2 and end.
After installation was over, please locate it to the home screen of the device as Widget.
A method to place Widget to the home screen in the instruction manual of your device.
When you placed this MyCalen to the home screen after installation, this application makes internal data.
Therefore it may take time for a while until this application displays right Calendar-Name.
Main screen
Year and Month indication areaDay and Day of Week indication areaNext dates indication area
Today's Calendar-Name indication area
Calendar of the date and time when your device reads it.
Calendar-Name which you registered a date plan and others.
This application display Calendar-Name registered after the current date.
When you tap each part of main screen, you can edit and register of Date-Definitions, and read of the detailed information and do various setting.
Current Year and Month indication area
Year and Month indication area
Current year of Christian era and month.
A marker of updating while rebuild the Calendar-Name database.
Marker Rebuilding
* This marker expresses that this application is rebuilding internal data.
* Time is necessary for a while before this application displays right Calendar-Name.
Displays Preference screen when tapped this area.
Current Day and Day of Week indication area
Day and Day of Week indication area
Current day and day of week.
Rokuyou-Days too, in the Japanese area.
Current date Calendar-Name indication area
Today's Calendar-Name indication area
Calendar-Name of Date-Definitions at current date, and other.
Calendar-Name forms a line by the defined time and priority order of Date-Groups.
Displays Each day Calendar-Name list screen when tapped this area.
Next dates indication area
Next dates indication area
Calendar-Names of Date-Definitions at after next day.
In this area indicate only dates having Calendar-Name, and not indicate dates not having a Calendar-Name.
When there is not at all Calendar-Name which this area should indicate, this area indicates only a consecutive date.
Calendar-Name forms a line by the defined time and priority order of Date-Groups.
Indicate days:
5 days.
Displays Date-Group select screen when tapped this area.
Preference screen
Status bar and Title area
Color-Setting button
Take In External-Date-Definitions button
Write Out Date-Definitions button
Rebuild Data button
Usage button
About button
Exit button
Buttons for color set, Date-Definitions management, Calendar-Name database rebuild, about display of this application, useg display of this application, and return.
Setting color to each indication contents.
Management of Date-Definitions.
Watching a summary and the direction for uses of this application.
Tap either button, the function of that button is carried out.
Color-Setting button
Color-Setting button
Use to:
When you want to change color of each part of indication.
Displays the Color-Setting screen when tapped this button.
Take In External-Date-Definitions button
Take In External-Date-Definitions button
Use to:
When you want to include External-Date-Definition data from external file.
Displays the Take In External-Date-Definitions screen when tapped this button.
Write Out Date-Definitions button
Write Out Date-Definitions button
Use to:
When you want to write out registered Date-Definitions data to external file.
Displays the Write Out Date-Definitions screen when tapped this button.
Rebuild Data button
Rebuild Data button
Use to:
When you have to restore or rebuild Calendar-Name database.
Displays the Rebuild Data screen when tapped this button.
Usage button
Usage button
Use to:
When you want to read or study or search this usage of you not to know.
Displays the Usage screen when tapped this button.
About button
About button
Use to:
When you want to read abouts and agreements and others of MyCalen.
When an illegal error happened in this application.
Displays the About screen when tapped this button.
But, after happened illegal error, it display Error-Report screen first.
Exit button
Exit button
Use to:
When you want to return to Main screen before.
Closes this Preference screen when tapped this button.
Date-Group select screen
Status bar and Title area
Date-Plans-Definitions list button
Time-Schedules-Definitions list button
Regular-Days-Group-Definitions list button
Event-Days-Group-Definitions list button
General-Holidays-Group-Definitions list button
Exit button
Date-Group choice buttons to list registered Date-Definitions data.
Listing and editing of Date-Definitions.
Tap either button, the function of that button is carried out.
Date-Plans-Definitions list button
Date-Plans-Definitions list button
Use to:
When you want to do showing, appending, editing and removing to Date-Plans-Definitions.
Displays the Date-Plans-Definitions list screen when tapped this button.
Time-Schedules-Definitions list button
Time-Schedules-Definitions list button
Use to:
When you want to do showing, appending, editing and removing to Time-Schedules-Definitions.
Displays the Time-Schedules-Definitions list screen when tapped this button.
Regular-Days-Group-Definitions list button
Regular-Days-Group-Definitions list button
Use to:
When you want to do showing, appending, editing and removing to Regular-Days-Group-Definitions.
Displays the Regular-Days-Group-Definitions list screen when tapped this button.
Event-Days-Group-Definitions list button
Event-Days-Group-Definitions list button
Use to:
When you want to do showing, appending, editing and removing to Event-Days-Group-Definitions.
Displays the Event-Days-Group-Definitions list screen when tapped this button.
General-Holidays-Group-Definitions list button
General-Holidays-Group-Definitions list button
Use to:
When you want to do showing, appending, editing and removing to General-Holidays-Group-Definitions.
Displays the General-Holidays-Group-Definitions list screen when tapped this button.
Exit button
Exit button
Use to:
When you want to return to Main screen before.
Closes this Date-Group select screen when tapped this button.
A difference and screens of Date-Group
The kind of the day to register in this Date-Group is a matter to come during the specific period like your plan.
Register the Date-Plans-Definition's values which the name and the start and the End Day and time for the schedule.
And if you want to be informed of the estimated time, register the value of the notice too.
You can register a plan applying to a full day and the plan of several days.
This Date-Definition indicate individual Calender-Name, which converted according to input values of this definition, to the column in main screen and other screens on the applicable date and time by the own color.
If the End Time of the day passes, this definition's Calender-Name displayed in Today's Calendar-Name indication area of main screen disappears.
Text Color:
The color that was set as Date-Plans-Calendar-Name.
Do it.
Date-Plans-Definitions list screen
Status bar and Title area
Date-Definitions list area
Advertisement area
A list of Date-Definitions which you registered as Date-Plans-Definition.
In the list, there is a item to register new Date-Definition.
Confirming registered Date-Definition.
Displaying new Date-Definition entry screen.
Displaying a Date-Definition edit or remove screen.
Confirming individual Calendar-Names of converts from a Date-Definition.
When you flick this list area, it do scroll to above or below.
When you tap each Date-Definition item, I display Date-Plans-Definition entry form.
When you long-tap each Date-Definition item, I convert it and display Calendar-Names list screen.
When you want to return to the Date-Group select screen before, operate The Return To The Last Screen which is the standard of your device.
Date-Plans-Definition entry form
Input columns of values of Date-Plans-Definition.
Buttons for regist or delete Date-Plans-Definition.
Confirming registered Date-Definition.
Editing and registering a Date-Definition.
Removeing registered Date-Definition.
Returnning to Date-Plans-Definitions list screen without storing the value of definition editing, when you tap Exit button or operate The Return To The Last Screen which is the standard of your device.
From Nov. 20, 2013 10:00 to Nov. 23, 2013 21:00 (Special preview).
From Nov. 25, 2013 00:00 to Nov. 25, 2013 00:00 (The release starting date of the new product).
From Dec. 25, 2013 18:00 to Dec. 25, 2013 20:00 (Year-end party).
Title area
ID number indicator
Date-Definition Name input column
Start Date of a plan input column
Start Time input column
End Date of a plan input column
End Time input column
Place or Others input column
Notifies at the Planned Time check box
Notice Sound selection button
Notice with Vibration check box
Time Lag of Notice selector
Delete buttonNEW SAVE buttonREWRITE button
Exit button
Title area
Status bar and Title area
A Definition-Type name of current inputting.
ID number indicator
ID number indicator
An ID number allotted to individual Date-Definition.
Because an inherent number is assigned automatically when you registered new Date-Definition, you cannot change the ID number.
Date-Definition Name input column
Date-Definition Name input column
The name of this plan setting now.
Inputting the name of Date-Definition into this column.
The letter input into this column is indicated as the name of Calendar-Name with the notice of the estimated time and Main screen and other screens.
Input a text using keyboard or something.
The name same as the name of other Date-Definitions is all right.
A text to input into this column is max 128 characters (count it as a one-byte character). But, in Main screen, the too long name cannot display it.
Start Date of a plan input column
Start Date of a plan input column
The date which start of this plan setting now.
Three input columns are a month, a day, a year of the Christian era from the left.
Inputting the start date of this plan in this Date-Definition.
When decide the Start Date of a plan of this Date-Definition.
Tap "+" or "-" buttons which there is above or below of each input column and modify numerical value.(It varies according to the version of the OS.)
Or swipe each input column select a number.(It varies according to the version of the OS.)
Or input a number into each input column with a keyboard.
Only one-byte characters are usable in this column.
If input a value of date after the End Date of a plan, the value of the End Date of a plan is revised.
The date input in this column do not have a limit. But, the whole system of the device will suffer a heavy burden when you input a date far apart.
Start Time input column
Start Time input column
The time(hour and minute) which start of this plan setting now.
Tow input columns are a hour of the 24 hours system and a minute from the left.
Imput a start time of this plan in this Date-Definition.
Order of displaying Calendar-Names is decided by this start time.
And, it becomes a basis time to notify the Start Time of a Calendar-Name.
When you input "00:00" into both the Start Time and the End Time, I aim at all days for Calendar-Name. It is not notified of the Start Time of Calendar-Name then.
Tap "+" or "-" buttons which there is above or below of each input column and modify numerical value.(It varies according to the version of the OS.)
Or swipe each input column select a number.(It varies according to the version of the OS.)
Or input a number into each input column with a keyboard.
Only one-byte number characters are usable in this column.
If input a value of time after the End Time, the value of the End Time is revised.
End Date of a plan input column
End Date of a plan input column
The date which end of this plan setting now.
Three input columns are a month, a day, a year of the Christian era from the left.
Inputting the end date of this plan in this Date-Definition.
This date is the last date of the period to converting this Date-Definition to Calendar-Name.
When convert to individual Calendar-Name, it include this date.
Tap "+" or "-" buttons which there is above or below of each input column and modify numerical value.(It varies according to the version of the OS.)
Or swipe each input column select a number.(It varies according to the version of the OS.)
Or input a number into each input column with a keyboard.
Only one-byte characters are usable in this column.
Can not input a date previous than the Start Date of usable period.
The date input in this column do not have a limit. But, the whole system of the device will suffer a heavy burden when you input a date far apart.
End Time input column
End Time input column
The time(hour and minute) which end of this plan setting now.
Tow input columns are a hour of the 24 hours system and a minute from the left.
Imput a end time of this plan in this Date-Definition.
This end time is at base time to delete Calendar-Name of this Date-Definition from a list of Calendar-Name displayed in the Today's Calendar-Name indication area of Main screen.
When you input "00:00" into both the Start Time and the End Time, I aim at all days for Calendar-Name. It is not notified of the Start Time of Calendar-Name then.
Tap "+" or "-" buttons which there is above or below of each input column and modify numerical value.(It varies according to the version of the OS.)
Or swipe each input column select a number.(It varies according to the version of the OS.)
Or input a number into each input column with a keyboard.
Only one-byte number characters are usable in this column.
Can not input a time previous than the Start Time.
Place or Others input column
Place or Others input column
The text of the name of place and other things, in this plan setting now.
Inputting a performing place of this plan or a wanted to write supplement and a something else.
The text which you input into this column is indicated as "a place" in the item of listing of details or in a information of notice of the time of this plan.
Input a text using keyboard or something.
A text to input into this column is max 128 characters (count it as a one-byte character). But, in notice of the estimated time of this plan, the too long name cannot display it.
Notifies at the Planned Time check box
Notifies at the Planned Time check box
The status of check which notify of the estimated time of this schedule setting now.
Selecting a status of the 'Notifies at the Planned Time'.
When a check is turned on in this column, at the notice time and the Start Time of the day when this plan corresponds, I inform that the time of this plan came using a notice function of your device.
When "00:00" is set at the Start Time and the End Time, it is not notified.
Tap the check box of this item and turn on and off the check.
When this item does not have a check, cannot set a sound and vibration to use by a notice. And a time lag of notice before the planned start time too.
Notice Sound selection button
Notice Sound selection button
The name of notification sound of this schedule setting now.
Choose the sound to use by a notice of the planned time.
When I notify you of the planned time on a day of a Calendar-Name which converted this Date-Definition, the sound that you chose in this column sounds.
When you choose "Default Sound" from choice items, a sound set for a notice sound by the setting of your device sounds.
In addition, the sound does not sound when you choose "Silent Sound".
Tap this button and display a list of names of sound. And tap a item of name of sound which selected from that.
When a check is not turned on, the Notifies at the Planned Time check box cannot set this item.
Do not sound a sound in normal time or silent mode time of your device; when is set, the sound notifying you of at estimated time does not sound.
Notice with Vibration check box
Notice with Vibration check box
The status of check which notification uses vibration of this schedule setting now.
Selecting a status of the 'Notice with Vibration'.
When a check is turned on in the check box of this column, I vibrate when notice of the estimated time.
Tap the check box of this item and turn on and off the check.
When a check is not turned on, the Notifies at the Planned Time check box cannot set this item.
Do not vibrate in normal time of your device or silent mode time; when is set; at estimated time when notify you, do not vibrate.
Time Lag of Notice selector
Time Lag of Notice selector
The time which a difference for prior notice of this plan setting now.
Choose the time lag of a prior notice of the planned time.
Several minutes before this planned start time, does the notice that this plan begins in. That time lag is the time that you chose from this column.
When you chose "Just time", notifies only when it is this planned start time.
Tap this column and display a list. And tap a item of time lag which selected from that.
When a check is not turned on, the Notifies at the Planned Time check box cannot set this item.
REWRITE button
REWRITE button
Use to:
When store the parameter's values of Date-Definition setting now.
I rewrite Date-Definition registered with an ID number same as Date-Definition editing by contents editing now and save it.
Then, closes current Date-Definition entry form.
And returns to the Date-Plans-Definitions list screen before.
Tap this button.
When you add new Date-Definition, cannot use this button.
NEW SAVE button
NEW SAVE button
Use to:
When store the parameter's values of Date-Definition setting now.
I save content of Date-Definition editing as Date-Definition of a new ID number.
Then, closes current Date-Definition entry form.
And returns to the Date-Plans-Definitions list screen before.
Tap this button.
I save it as new Date-Definition even if you edit Date-Definition of the existing registration.
Conversely you can save it as different Date-Definition which reproduced Date-Definition of the existing registration.
Delete button
Delete button
Use to:
When remove the Date-Definition setting now.
Destroys contents of Date-Definition editing, and I cross Date-Definition registered with an ID number same as an ID number of Date-Definition which you edited.
Then, closes current Date-Definition entry form.
And returns to the Date-Plans-Definitions list screen before.
Tap this button.
When you add new Date-Definition, cannot use this button.
Exit button
Exit button
Use to:
When return to the Date-Plans-Definitions list screen without storing the parameter's values of Date-Definition setting now.
Destroys contents of Date-Definition editing.
Then, closes current Date-Definition entry form.
And returns to the Date-Plans-Definitions list screen before.
Tap this button.
The kind of the day to register in this Date-Group is constant repeat pattern at the fixed time of the specific days of week in appointed like the class schedule of school or like the regular meeting of company.
This Date-Definition indicate individual Calender-Name, which converted according to input values of this definition, to the column in main screen and other screens on the applicable date and time by the own color.
If the End Time of the day passes, this definition's Calender-Name displayed in Today's Calendar-Name indication area of main screen disappears.
Register the Time-Schedules-Definition's values which the name and the period to use, the repeated day of week, the time when a matter is performed.
And if you want to be informed of the estimated time, register the value of the notice too.
On the date when the matter is performed, you can appoint all the days of week at one time, and can avoid a holiday more.
Text Color:
The color that was set as Time-Schedules-Calendar-Names.
Do it.
Time-Schedules-Definitions list screen
Status bar and Title area
Date-Definitions list area
Advertisement area
A list of Date-Definitions which you registered as Time-Schedules-Definition.
In the list, there is a item to register new Date-Definition.
Confirming registered Date-Definition.
Displays new Date-Definition entry screen.
Displays a Date-Definition edit or remove screen.
Confirming individual Calendar-Names of converts from a Date-Definition.
Flick this list area, it do scroll to above or below.
When you tap each Date-Definition item, I display Time-Schedules-Definition entry form.
When you long-tap each Date-Definition item, I convert it and display Calendar-Names list screen.
When want to return to Date-Group select screen before, please operate The Return To The Last Screen which is the standard of your device.
Time-Schedules-Definition entry form
Input columns of values of Time-Schedules-Definition.
Buttons for regist or delete Time-Schedules-Definition.
Confirming registered Date-Definition.
Editing and registering a Date-Definition.
Removeing registered Date-Definition.
Returning to Time-Schedules-Definitions list screen without storing the value of definition editing, when you tap Exit button or operate The Return To The Last Screen which is the standard of your device.
From Apr. 1, 2013 to Mar. 31, 2014, on each Mon., at from 8:40 to 9:30 (Class schedule of school).
From Jan. 1, 2012 to Dec. 31, 2025, on each from Mon. to Fri., at from 12:00 to 13:00 (Time for lunch).
From Jan. 1, 2012 to Dec. 31, 2025, on all day of week, at from 06:00 to 06:30 (Time for running).
Title area
ID number indicator
Date-Definition Name input column
Start Date of usable period input column
End Date of usable period input column
Start Day of Week selector
End Day of Week selector
Start Time input column
End Time input column
Ignore Sunday & Holidays check box
Place or Others input column
Notifies at the Planned Time check box
Notice Sound selection button
Notice with Vibration check box
Time lag of notice selector
Delete buttonNEW SAVE buttonREWRITE button
Exit button
Title area
Status bar and Title area
A Definition-Type name of current inputting.
ID number indicator
ID number indicator
An ID number allotted to individual Date-Definition.
Because an inherent number is assigned automatically when you registered new Date-Definition, you cannot change the ID number.
Date-Definition Name input column
Date-Definition Name input column
The name of this schedule setting now.
Inputting the name of Date-Definition into this column.
This text is indicated as the name of Calendar-Name with the notice of the estimated time and Main screen and other screens.
Input a text using keyboard or something.
The name same as the name of other Date-Definitions is all right.
A text to input into this column is max 128 characters (count it as a one-byte character). But, in Main screen, the too long text cannot display it.
Start Date of usable period input column
Start Date of usable period input column
The date which start of usable period of this schedule setting now.
Three input columns are a month, a day, a year of the Christian era from the left.
Inputting the start date of a uses period of this schedule in this Date-Definition.
This date is the first date of the period to converting this Date-Definition to Calendar-Name.
Tap "+" or "-" buttons which there is above or below of each input column and modify numerical value.(It varies according to the version of the OS.)
Or swipe each input column select a number.(It varies according to the version of the OS.)
Or input a number into each input column with a keyboard.
Only one-byte characters are usable in this column.
The date input in this column do not have a limit. But, the whole system of the device will suffer a heavy burden when you input a date far apart.
End Date of usable period input column
End Date of usable period input column
The date which end of usable period of this schedule setting now.
Three input columns are a month, a day, a year of the Christian era from the left.
Inputting the end date of a uses period of this schedule in this Date-Definition.
This date is the last date of the period to converting this Date-Definition to Calendar-Name.
When convert to individual Calendar-Name, it include this date.
Tap "+" or "-" buttons which there is above or below of each input column and modify numerical value.(It varies according to the version of the OS.)
Or swipe each input column select a number.(It varies according to the version of the OS.)
Or input a number into each input column with a keyboard.
Only one-byte characters are usable in this column.
Can not input a date previous than the Start Date of usable period.
The date input in this column do not have a limit. But, the whole system of the device will suffer a heavy burden when you input a date far apart.
Start Day of Week selector
Start Day of Week selector
The day of week which start of this schedule setting now.
Choosing a start day of week of this schedule in this Date-Definition.
This day of week is the first date of the period of visiting in every week in the applied period of the Calendar-Name converted from this Date-Definition.
Tap this column and display a list. And tap a item of day of week which selected from that.
When you choose a day of week same as the End Day of Week, it is a single day.
You can choose the later day in order of the day of week than the End Day.
When you choose "Every day of week", you can appoint all days during an applicable period of Calendar-Name.
When you chose "Every day of week" on this satrt day of week, treat it as same thingon the End Day of Week.
End Day of Week selector
End Day of Week selector
The day of week which end of this schedule setting now.
Choosing a end day of week of this schedule in this Date-Definition.
This day of week is the last date of the period of visiting in every week in the applied period of the Calendar-Name converted from this Date-Definition.
Tap this column and display a list. And tap a item of day of week which selected from that.
When you choose a day of week same as the Start Day of Week, it is a single day.
You can choose the previous day in order of the day of week than the Start Day.
When you chose "Every day of week" on the Start Day of Week, it is treated as the state on this End Day of Week.
Start Time input column
Start Time input column
The time(hour and minute) which start of this schedule setting now.
Tow input columns are a hour of the 24 hours system and a minute from the left.
Imputting a start time of this schedule in this Date-Definition.
Order of displaying Calendar-Names is decided by this Start Time.
And, it becomes a basis time to notify the Start Time of a Calendar-Name.
When you input "00:00" into both the Start Time and the End Time, I aim at all days for Calendar-Name. It is not notified of the Start Time of Calendar-Name then.
Tap "+" or "-" buttons which there is above or below of each input column and modify numerical value.(It varies according to the version of the OS.)
Or swipe each input column select a number.(It varies according to the version of the OS.)
Or input a number into each input column with a keyboard.
Only one-byte number characters are usable in this column.
If input a value of time after the End Time, the value of the End Time is revised.
End Time input column
End Time input column
The time(hour and minute) which end of this schedule setting now.
Tow input columns are a hour of the 24 hours system and a minute from the left.
Imputting a end time of this schedule in this Date-Definition
This end time is at base time to delete Calendar-Name of this Date-Definition from a list of Calendar-Name displayed in the Today's Calendar-Name indication area of Main screen.
When you input "00:00" into both the Start Time and the End Time, I aim at all days for Calendar-Name. It is not notified of the Start Time of Calendar-Name then.
Tap "+" or "-" buttons which there is above or below of each input column and modify numerical value.(It varies according to the version of the OS.)
Or swipe each input column select a number.(It varies according to the version of the OS.)
Or input a number into each input column with a keyboard.
Only one-byte number characters are usable in this column.
Can not input a time previous than the Start Time.
Ignore Sunday & Holidays check box
Ignore Sunday & Holidays check box
The status of check which 'Ignore Sunday & Holidays' of this schedule setting now.
Selecting a status of 'Ignore Sunday & Holidays'.
When a check enters this item, Calendar-Name of the date does not make it when a date of Calendar-Name converted from this Date-Definition correspond to Sunday or Calendar-Name of National-Holidays-Group-Definitions.
Tap the check box of this item and turn on and off the check.
Place or Others input column
Place or Others input column
The text of the name of place and other things, in this schedule setting now.
Inputting a performing place of this schedule or a wanted to write supplement and a something else.
The text which you input into this column is indicated as "a place" in the item of listing of details or in a information of notice of the time of this schedule.
Input a text using keyboard or something.
A text to input into this column is max 128 characters (count it as a one-byte character). But, in notice of the estimated time of this schedule, the too long name cannot display it.
Notifies at the Planned Time check box
Notifies at the Planned Time check box
The status of check which notify of the estimated time of this schedule setting now.
Selecting a status of "the Notifies at the Planned Time".
When a check is turned on in this column, at the notice time and the Start Time of the day when this schedule corresponds, I inform that the time of this schedule came using a notice function of your device.
When "00:00" is set at the Start Time and the End Time, it is not notified.
Tap the check box of this item and turn on and off the check.
When this item does not have a check, cannot set a sound and vibration to use by a notice. And a time lag of notice before the planned start time too.
Notice Sound selection button
Notice Sound selection button
The name of notification sound of this schedule setting now.
Choose the sound to use by a notice of the planned time.
When I notify you of the planned time on a day of a Calendar-Name which converted this Date-Definition, the sound that you chose in this column sounds.
When you choose "Default Sound" from choice items, a sound set for a notice sound by the setting of your device sounds.
In addition, the sound does not sound when you choose "Silent Sound".
Tap this button and display a list of names of sound. And tap a item of name of sound which selected from that.
When a check is not turned on, the Notifies at the Planned Time check box cannot set this item.
Do not sound a sound in normal time or silent mode time of your device; when is set, the sound notifying you of at estimated time does not sound.
Notice with Vibration check box
Notice with Vibration check box
The status of check which notification uses vibration of this schedule setting now.
Selecting a status of the 'Notice with Vibration'.
When a check is turned on in the check box of this column, I vibrate when notice of the estimated time.
Tap the check box of this item and turn on and off the check.
When a check is not turned on, the Notifies at the Planned Time check box cannot set this item.
Do not vibrate in normal time of your device or silent mode time; when is set; at estimated time when notify you, do not vibrate.
Time Lag of Notice selector
Time Lag of Notice selector
The time which a difference for prior notice of this schedule setting now.
Choose the time lag of a prior notice of the planned time.
Several minutes before this planned start time, does the notice that this plan begins in. That time lag is the time that you chose from this column.
When you chose "Just time", notifies only when it is this planned start time.
Tap this column and display a list. And tap a item of time lag which selected from that.
When a check is not turned on, the Notifies at the Planned Time check box cannot set this item.
Delete button
Delete button
Use to:
When remove the Date-Definition setting now.
Destroys contents of Date-Definition editing, and I cross Date-Definition registered with an ID number same as an ID number of Date-Definition which you edited.
Then, closes current Date-Definition entry form.
And returns to the Time-Schedules-Definitions list screen before.
Tap this button.
When you add new Date-Definition, cannot use this button.
NEW SAVE button
NEW SAVE button
Use to:
When store the parameter's values of Date-Definition setting now.
I save content of Date-Definition editing as Date-Definition of a new ID number.
Then, closes current Date-Definition entry form.
And returns to the Time-Schedules-Definitions list screen before.
Tap this button.
I save it as new Date-Definition even if you edit Date-Definition of the existing registration.
Conversely you can save it as different Date-Definition which reproduced Date-Definition of the existing registration.
REWRITE button
REWRITE button
Use to:
When store the parameter's values of Date-Definition setting now.
I rewrite Date-Definition registered with an ID number same as Date-Definition editing by contents editing now and save it.
Then, closes current Date-Definition entry form.
And returns to the Time-Schedules-Definitions list screen before.
Tap this button.
When you add new Date-Definition, cannot use this button.
Exit button
Exit button
Use to:
When return to the Time-Schedules-Definitions list screen without storing the parameter's values of Date-Definition setting now.
Destroys contents of Date-Definition editing.
Then, closes current Date-Definition entry form.
And returns to the Time-Schedules-Definitions list screen before.
Tap this button.
The kind of the day to register in this Date-Group is a special day to come every the uniformity that you decided, like a birthday or like a memorial day or like the event.
This Date-Definition indicate individual Calender-Name, which converted according to input values of a chosen Definition-Type, to the column in main screen and other screens on the applicable date by the own color.
If the day passes, this definition's Calender-Name displayed in Today's Calendar-Name indication area of main screen disappears.
Register the Regular-Days-Group-Definition's values which the name and the day to come every year or every month, every week, every constant days.
Text Color:
The color that was set as Regular-Days-Calendar-Names.
Not do it.
Regular-Days-Group-Definitions list screen
Status bar and Title area
Date-Definitions list area
Advertisement area
A list of Date-Definitions which you registered as Regular-Days-Group-Definition.
In the list, there is a item to register new Date-Definition.
Confirming registered Date-Definition.
Displaying new Date-Definition entry screen.
Displaying a Date-Definition edit or remove screen.
Confirming individual Calendar-Names of converts from a Date-Definition.
When you flick this list area, it do scroll to above or below.
When you tap each Date-Definition item, I display Regular-Days-Group-Definition entry form.
When you long-tap each Date-Definition item, I convert it and display Calendar-Names list winsow.
When you want to return to the Date-Group select screen before, operate The Return To The Last Screen which is the standard of your device.
Regular-Days-Group-Definition entry form
Regular-Days-Group-Definition entry form
Input columns of values of Regular-Days-Group-Definition.
Buttons for regist or delete Regular-Days-Group-Definition.
Confirming registered Date-Definition.
Editing and registering a Date-Definition.
Removeing registered Date-Definition.
Input the value of each column in entry form of either Date-Definition-Type of Concrete-Days-Type-Definition, Day-In-Week-Days-Type-Definition, Calculated-Days-Type-Definition, Lunar-Calendar-Days-Type-Definition, Sandwiched-Week-Calculated-Days-Type-Definition, Regular-Intervals-Days-Type-Definition, Weekday-After-Concrete-Days-Type-Definition, Weekday-After-Days-In-Week-Days-Type-Definition and Buddhist-Memorial-Days-Type-Definition.
When you tap REWRITE button or NEW SAVE button, I register this Date-Definition data.
When you tap Delete button, I remove registered this Date-Definition.
When you want to return to the Regular-Days-Group-Definitions list screen before without saving the value of a definition editing, tap Exit button, or operate The Return To The Last Screen which is the standard of your device.
The kind of the day to register in this Date-Group which is Date-Definition to display as merely Calendar-Name, is like the symbolic day when the wonderful time on the calendar comes, or the day when everybody wants to remember it, or an ordinary memorial day.
This Date-Definition indicate individual Calender-Name, which converted according to input values of a chosen Definition-Type, to the column in main screen and other screens on the applicable date by the own color.
If the day passes, this definition's Calender-Name displayed in Today's Calendar-Name indication area of main screen disappears.
Register the Date-Definition's values which the name and the day to come every year or every month, every week, every constant days.
Text Color:
The basic color that was set as Weekday-Calendar-Names.
Not do it.
Japanese area:
24 divisions of the solar year, main standard days signifying the changing of the seasons, some National Event Days, some memorial days, and others in the Japan.
Other areas:
Main National Event Days in the United States.
Event-Days-Group-Definitions list screen
Status bar and Title area
Date-Definitions list area
Advertisement area
A list of Date-Definitions which you registered as Event-Days-Group-Definition.
In the list, there is a item to register new Date-Definition.
Confirming registered Date-Definition.
Displays new Date-Definition entry screen.
Displays a Date-Definition edit or remove screen.
Confirming individual Calendar-Names of converts from a Date-Definition.
When you flick this list area, it do scroll to above or below.
When you tap each Date-Definition item, I display Event-Days-Group-Definition entry form.
When you long-tap each Date-Definition item, I convert it and display Calendar-Names list screen.
When want to return to Date-Group select screen before, please operate The Return To The Last Screen which is the standard of your device.
Event-Days-Group-Definition entry form
Event-Days-Group-Definition entry form
Input columns of values of Event-Days-Group-Definition.
Buttons for regist or delete Event-Days-Group-Definition.
Confirming registered Date-Definition.
Editing and registering a Date-Definition.
Removeing registered Date-Definition.
Input the value of each item in entry form of either Date-Definition-Type of Concrete-Days-Type-Definition, Day-In-Week-Days-Type-Definition, Calculated-Days-Type-Definition, Lunar-Calendar-Days-Type-Definition, Sandwiched-Week-Calculated-Days-Type-Definition, Regular-Intervals-Days-Type-Definition, Weekday-After-Concrete-Days-Type-Definition, Weekday-After-Days-In-Week-Days-Type-Definition and Buddhist-Memorial-Days-Type-Definition.
When you tap REWRITE button or NEW SAVE button, I register this Date-Definition data.
When you tap Delete button, I remove registered this Date-Definition.
When you want to return to the Event-Days-Group-Definitions list screen before without saving the value of a definition editing, tap Exit button, or operate The Return To The Last Screen which is the standard of your device.
The kind of the day to register in this Date-Group is a holiday set under the law, and the day when you assume it a holiday like the anniversary of the founding or like the regular holidays such as a company or the store.
This General-Holidays-Group-Definition is used as the materials which judge a holiday when I convert other Dete-Definitions into Calendar-Names with Sunday.
This Date-Definition indicate individual Calender-Name, which converted according to input values of a chosen Definition-Type, to the column in main screen and other screens on the applicable date by the own color.
If the day passes, this definition's Calender-Name displayed in Today's Calendar-Name indication area of main screen disappears.
Register the General-Holidays-Group-Definition's values which the name and the day to come every year or every month, every week, every constant days.
Text Color:
The color that was set as Holiday-Calendar-Names, it's used at Sunday too.
Not do it.
Japanese area:
All current National Holidays in the Japan.
Other areas:
All current National Holidays in the United States.
General-Holidays-Group-Definitions list screen
Status bar and Title area
Date-Definitions list area
Advertisement area
A list of Date-Definitions which you registered as General-Holidays-Group-Definition.
In the list, there is a item to register new Date-Definition.
Confirming registered Date-Definition.
Displays new Date-Definition entry screen.
Displays a Date-Definition edit or remove screen.
Confirming individual Calendar-Names of converts from a Date-Definition.
When you flick this list area, it do scroll to above or below.
When you tap each Date-Definition item, I display General-Holidays-Group-Definition entry form.
When you long-tap each Date-Definition item, I convert it and display a Calendar-Names list screen.
When want to return to Date-Group select screen before, please operate The Return To The Last Screen which is the standard of your device.
General-Holidays-Group-Definition entry form
General-Holidays-Group-Definition entry form
Input columns of values of General-Holidays-Group-Definition.
Buttons for regist or delete General-Holidays-Group-Definition.
Confirming registered Date-Definition.
Editing and registering a Date-Definition.
Removeing registered Date-Definition.
Input the value of each item in entry form of either Date-Definition-Type of Concrete-Days-Type-Definition, Day-In-Week-Days-Type-Definition, Calculated-Days-Type-Definition, Lunar-Calendar-Days-Type-Definition, Sandwiched-Week-Calculated-Days-Type-Definition, Regular-Intervals-Days-Type-Definition, Concrete-Substitute-Holidays-Type-Definition and Calculated-Substitute-Holidays-Type-Definition.
When you tap REWRITE button or NEW SAVE button, I register this Date-Definition data.
When you tap Delete button, I remove registered this Date-Definition.
When you want to return to the General-Holidays-Group-Definitions list screen before without saving the value of a definition editing, tap Exit button, or operate The Return To The Last Screen which is the standard of your device.
A difference and entry form of Date-Definition-Types
In Event-Days-Group-Definition, General-Holidays-Group-Definition and Regular-Days-Group-Definition in Date-Groups, because setting content is different by Date-Definition-Type which you chose in the Definition Type selecter, I explain it here.
Common items of entry form of Date-Definitions
Status bar and Title area
ID number indicator
Date-Definition Name input column
Definition Type selecter
Some input columns
Delete buttonNEW SAVE buttonREWRITE button
Exit button
Because some columns are Date-Definition-Type which chose in the Definition Type selecter in each Date-Groups, I explain it in a lump here.
Input columns of values of Date-Definition.
Buttons for regist or delete Date-Definition.
Confirming registered Date-Definition.
Creating a new Date-Definition.
Editing and registering a Date-Definition.
Removeing registered Date-Definition.
Input or choose the value of each column in entry form.
These input columns are different by each Date-Definition-Type.
Title indication area
Status bar and Title area
A Date-group name of current Date-Definition inputting.
ID number indicator
ID number indicator
An ID number allotted to individual Date-Definition.
Because an inherent number is assigned automatically when you registered new Date-Definition, you cannot change the ID number.
Date-Definition Name input column
Date-Definition Name input column
The name of this Date-Definition setting now.
Inputting the name of Date-Definition into this column.
The letter input into this column is indicated as the name of Calendar-Name with the notice of the estimated time and Main screen and other screens.
Input a text using keyboard or something.
The name same as the name of other Date-Definitions is all right.
A text to input into this column is max 128 characters (count it as a one-byte character). But, in Main screen, the too long name cannot display it.
Definition Type selecter
Definition Type selecter
The Date-Definition-Type of this Date-Definition setting now.
Choose it from list of selectable Date-Definition-Types.
A necessary input item is displayed in this screen depending on Date-Definition-Type which you chose.
Tap this column and display a list. And tap a item of Date-Definition-Type which selected from that.
Optional Date-Definition-Type is only one in the list.
Selectable Date-Definition-Types varies according to a Date-Group.
Delete button
Delete button
Use to:
When remove the Date-Definition setting now.
Destroys contents of Date-Definition editing, and I cross Date-Definition registered with an ID number same as an ID number of Date-Definition which you edited.
Then, closes current Date-Definition entry form.
And returns to Date-Definitions list screen before.
Tap this button.
When you add new Date-Definition, cannot use this button.
NEW SAVE button
NEW SAVE button
Use to:
When store the parameter's values of Date-Definition setting now.
I save content of Date-Definition editing as Date-Definition of a new ID number.
Then, closes current Date-Definition entry form.
And returns to Date-Definitions list screen before.
Tap this button.
I save it as new Date-Definition even if you edit Date-Definition of the existing registration.
Conversely you can save it as different Date-Definition which reproduced Date-Definition of the existing registration.
REWRITE button
REWRITE button
Use to:
When store the parameter's values of Date-Definition setting now.
I rewrite Date-Definition registered with an ID number same as Date-Definition editing by contents editing now and save it.
Then, closes current Date-Definition entry form.
And returns to Date-Definitions list screen before.
Tap this button.
When you add new Date-Definition, cannot use this button.
Exit button
Exit button
Use to:
When return to the Date-Plans-Definitions list screen without storing the parameter's values of Date-Definition setting now.
Destroys contents of Date-Definition editing.
Then, closes current Date-Definition entry form.
And returns to Date-Plans-Definitions list screen before.
Tap this button.
Use to:
The date that is fixed by real month and day. And it is the only day or every year, every month.
Event-Days-Group-Definition, General-Holidays-Group-Definition, Regular-Days-Group-Definition.
Choose item "Concrete-Days" from the Definition Type selector.
Input month and day.
You are possible to choose the monthly too.
I convert specified month and day into Calendar-Name. That days appear from the use starting year to the use ending year.
When you choose "Every month" as the Specify Month selecter, I aim at all month from the Start Year to the End Year for Calendar-Name.
Month=Jan., Day=First => New Year's day.
Month=Mar., Day=15 => Mar. 15, Every year.
Month=Every month, Day=15 => Every month 15, Every year.
Concrete-Days-Type-Definition entry form
Common title and others
Start Year of usable period input column
End Year of usable period input column
Specify Month selector
Specify Day selector
Common buttons
Start Year of usable period input column
Start Year of usable period input column
The year which start of usable period of this Date-Definition setting now.
Inputting year of the Christian era of beginning to use.
This column's year is the first year of the period when I can convert this Date-Definition into individual Calendar-Names.
Input a number into input column with a keyboard.
Only one-byte number characters are usable in this column.
If input a value of year after the End Year of usable period, the value of the End Year of usable period is revised.
The year's value input in this column do not have a limit. But, the whole system of the device will suffer a heavy burden when you input a value far apart.
End Year of usable period input column
End Year of usable period input column
The year which end of usable period of this Date-Definition setting now.
Inputting year of the Christian era of ending to use.
This year is the last year of the period when I can convert this Date-Definition into individual Calendar-Names.
When convert to individual Calendar-Name, it include this year.
Input a number into input column with a keyboard.
Only one-byte number characters are usable in this column.
Can not input a year previous than the Start Year of usable period.
The year's value input in this column do not have a limit. But, the whole system of the device will suffer a heavy burden when you input a value far apart.
Specify Month selector
Specify Month selector
The month which specifies of this Date-Definition setting now.
Choosing a specify month in this Date-Definition.
This column's month becomes the month of the date when I convert this Date-Definition into individual Calendar-Names.
When you choose "Every month" as this selecter, I aim at all month from the Start Year to the End Year for Calendar-Name.
Tap this column and display a list. And tap a item of month which selected from that.
Specify Day selector
Specify Day selector
The day which specifies of this Date-Definition setting now.
Choosing a specify day in this Date-Definition.
This day becomes the day of the date of Calendar-Names which converted this Date-Definition.
Tap this column and display a list. And tap a item of day which selected from that.
Depending on the month chosen in the Specify Month selector, the day of end of the month in the list changes.
Use to:
The date that is fixed by week in the month and day of week. And it is the only day, every year, every day in week in the month, every week or every day.
Event-Days-Group-Definition, General-Holidays-Group-Definition, Regular-Days-Group-Definition.
Choose item "Day-In-Week-Days" from the Definition Type selector.
Input month and week in month and day of week.
Monthly day and weekly day, day at lastest week in month, every day in week in month, every day choice is possible, too.
I convert specified week in month and specified day of week into Calendar-Name. That days appear from the use starting year to the use ending year.
When you choose "Every month" as the Specify Month selecter, I aim at all month for Calendar-Name.
When you choose "Every week" as the Specify Week of Month selecter, I aim at every week in specified month for Calendar-Name.
When you choose "Last week" as the Specify Week of Month selecter, I aim at last 7 days in specified month for Calendar-Name.
When you choose "Every day of week" as the Specify Day of Week selecter, I aim at every day in specified week in month for Calendar-Name.
With week in month, I point to the one week unit to begin at the beginning of the month of each month.
There is the month which does not exist for "5th week" in Specify Week of Month selector.
Month=Feb., Week=3rd week, Day=Mon. => Feb. 3rd Mon., every year (President's Day).
Month=Feb., Week=3rd week, Day=Every day of week => Feb. every day in 3rd week, every year.
Month=Feb., Week=Every week, Day=Tue. => Feb. every Tue., every year.
Month=Feb., Week=Every week, Day=Every day of week => Feb. every day, Every year.
Month=Feb., Week=Last week, Day=Tue. => Feb. lastest Tue., every year.
Month=Feb., Week=Last week, Day=Every day of week => Feb. a lastest week, every year.
Month=Every Month, Week=3rd week, Day=Tue. => Every Month 3rd Tue, every year.
Month=Every Month, Week=3rd week, Day=Every day of week => Every Month every day in 3rd week, every year.
Month=Every Month, Week=Every week, Day=Tue. => Every Month every Tue., every year.
Month=Every Month, Week=Every week, Day=Every day of week => Every day from the use starting year to the use ending year.
Month=Every Month, Week=Last week, Day=Tue. => Every Month lastest Tue., every year.
Month=Every Month, Week=Last week, Day=Every day of week => Every Month every day in lastest week, every year.
Day-In-Week-Days-Type-Definition entry form
Common title and others
Start Year of usable period input column
End Year of usable period input column
Specify Month selector
Specify Week of Month selector
Specify Day of Week selector
Common buttons
Start Year of usable period input column
Start Year of usable period input column
The year which start of usable period of this Date-Definition setting now.
Inputting year of the Christian era of beginning to use.
This column's year is the first year of the period when I can convert this Date-Definition into individual Calendar-Names.
Input a number into input column with a keyboard.
Only one-byte number characters are usable in this column.
If input a value of year after the End Year of usable period, the value of the End Year of usable period is revised.
The year's value input in this column do not have a limit. But, the whole system of the device will suffer a heavy burden when you input a value far apart.
End Year of usable period input column
End Year of usable period input column
The year which end of usable period of this Date-Definition setting now.
Inputting year of the Christian era of ending to use.
This column's year is the last year of the period when I can convert this Date-Definition into individual Calendar-Names.
Input a number into input column with a keyboard.
When convert to individual Calendar-Name, it include this year.
Only one-byte number characters are usable in this column.
Can not input a year previous than the Start Year of usable period.
The year's value input in this column do not have a limit. But, the whole system of the device will suffer a heavy burden when you input a value far apart.
Specify Month selector
Specify Month selector
The month which specifies of this Date-Definition setting now.
Choosing a specify month in this Date-Definition.
This column's month becomes the month of the date when I convert this Date-Definition into individual Calendar-Names.
When you choose "Every month" as this selecter, I aim at all month from the Start Year to the End Year for Calendar-Name.
Tap this column and display a list. And tap a item of month which selected from that.
Specify Week of Month selector
Specify Week of Month selector
The week in month which specifies of this Date-Definition setting now.
Choosing a specify week in month in this Date-Definition.
This column's week is a week of the Specify Month to find a date of Calendar-Name to convert from this Date-Definition.
When you choose "Every week" as this selecter, I aim at all week in the specified month for Calendar-Name.
When you choose "Last week" as this selecter, I aim at the last 7 days in the specified month for Calendar-Name.
Tap this column and display a list. And tap a item of week in month which selected from that.
It is in the choice item of this column, but there is the month without "5th week".
Specify Day of Week selector
Specify Day of Week selector
The day of week which specifies of this Date-Definition setting now.
Choosing a specify day of week in this Date-Definition.
This column's day of week is a day of week in week in the Specify Month to find a date of Calendar-Name to convert from this Date-Definition.
When you choose "Every day of week" as this selecter, I aim at every day in the specified week in the month for Calendar-Name.
Tap this column and display a list. And tap a item of day of week which selected from that.
Use to:
The date which is fixed at by the answer of an equation. And it is the only day, or only or plural days of months, or only or plural days of years.
Event-Days-Group-Definition, General-Holidays-Group-Definition, Regular-Days-Group-Definition.
Choose item "Calculated-Days" from the Definition Type selector.
Input month and an equation to calculate the day.
The monthly choice is possible, too.
Refer to "Usage and syntax of the Equation" for the detailed usage and syntax of the Equation.
I convert the specified month and calculated day into Calendar-Name. That days appear from the use starting year to the use ending year.
Month=Mar., Equation=Int(21.29898+0.242194*#y#)-Int(#y#/4)+Int(#y#/100)-Int(#y#/400) [Ans. almost 21] => The spring equinox in Japan.
Calculated-Days-Type-Definition entry form
Common title and others
Start Year of usable period input column
End Year of usable period input column
Specify Month selector
Equation input column
Common buttons
Start Year of usable period input column
Start Year of usable period input column
The year which start of usable period of this Date-Definition setting now.
Inputting year of the Christian era of beginning to use.
This column's year is the first year of the period when I can convert this Date-Definition into individual Calendar-Names.
Input a number into input column with a keyboard.
Only one-byte number characters are usable in this column.
If input a value of year after the End Year of usable period, the value of the End Year of usable period is revised.
The year's value input in this column do not have a limit. But, the whole system of the device will suffer a heavy burden when you input a value far apart.
End Year of usable period input column
End Year of usable period input column
The year which end of usable period of this Date-Definition setting now.
Inputting year of the Christian era of ending to use.
This column's year is the last year of the period when I can convert this Date-Definition into individual Calendar-Names.
When convert to individual Calendar-Name, it include this year.
Input a number into input column with a keyboard.
Only one-byte number characters are usable in this column.
Can not input a year previous than the Start Year of usable period.
The year's value input in this column do not have a limit. But, the whole system of the device will suffer a heavy burden when you input a value far apart.
Specify Month selector
Specify Month selector
The month which specifies of this Date-Definition setting now.
Choosing a specify month in this Date-Definition.
This column's month becomes the month of the date when I convert this Date-Definition into individual Calendar-Names.
When you choose "Every month" as this selecter, I aim at all month from the Start Year to the End Year for Calendar-Name.
Tap this column and display a list. And tap a item of month which selected from that.
Equation input column
Equation input column
The text of the equation to calculate the day which specifies of this Date-Definition setting now.
Inputting a text of equation in this Date-Definition.
This column's equation's answer becomes the day of the date when I convert this Date-Definition into individual Calendar-Names.
Input text of an equation into input column with a keyboard.
Only one-byte characters are usable to the equation in this column basically.
Refer to "Usage and syntax of the Equation" for the detailed Usage and syntax of the Equation.
Use to:
The date that is fixed by month and day of the lunar calendar. And it is the only day, or only or plural days of years.
Event-Days-Group-Definition, General-Holidays-Group-Definition, Regular-Days-Group-Definition.
Choose item "Lunar-Calendar-Days" from the Definition Type selector.
Input month and date(month and day) of the lunar calendar.
I convert specified month and day of the lunar calendar into date of the solar calendar of Calendar-Name. That days appear from the use starting year to the use ending year.
Because the date changes every year, the reason why you specify the month is that remove my miscalculation.
The date of the lunar calendar when you specified may be another month by a year. If necessary, register a Lunar-Calendar-Days-Type-Definition which you changed only the Specify Month in a previous month or a next month at and copied.
In a leap month, I do handling same as normal month. In other words, that means that it is plural dates. To deal with it, register a Lunar-Calendar-Days-Type-Definition which you changed only the Specify Month to the applicable month and copied.
Year=2014, Month=Jan., Month of Lunar-Calendar=Jan., Day of Lunar-Calendar=1st => Jan. 31th, 2014(The lunar New Year).
Lunar-Calendar-Days-Type-Definition entry form
Common title and others
Start Year of usable period input column
Specify Month selector
End Year of usable period input column
Month of Lunar-Calendar selector
Day of Lunar-Calendar selector
Common buttons
Start Year of usable period input column
Start Year of usable period input column
The year which start of usable period of this Date-Definition setting now.
Inputting year of the Christian era of beginning to use.
This column's year is the first year of the period when I can convert this Date-Definition into individual Calendar-Names.
Input a number into input column with a keyboard.
Only one-byte number characters are usable in this column.
If input a value of year after the End Year of usable period, the value of the End Year of usable period is revised.
The year's value input in this column do not have a limit. But, the whole system of the device will suffer a heavy burden when you input a value far apart.
Specify Month selector
Specify Month selector
The month which specifies of this Date-Definition setting now.
Choosing a specify month in this Date-Definition.
This column's month becomes the month of the date when I convert this Date-Definition into individual Calendar-Names.
When you choose "Every month" as this selecter, I aim at all month from the Start Year to the End Year for Calendar-Name.
Tap this column and display a list. And tap a item of month which selected from that.
End Year of usable period input column
End Year of usable period input column
The year which end of usable period of this Date-Definition setting now.
Inputting year of the Christian era of ending to use.
This column's year is the last year of the period when I can convert this Date-Definition into individual Calendar-Names.
When convert to individual Calendar-Name, it include this year.
Input a number into input column with a keyboard.
Only one-byte number characters are usable in this column.
Can not input a year previous than the Start Year of usable period.
The year's value input in this column do not have a limit. But, the whole system of the device will suffer a heavy burden when you input a value far apart.
Month of Lunar-Calendar selector
Month of Lunar-Calendar selector
The month of the lunar calendar which specifies of this Date-Definition setting now.
Choosing month of the lunar calendar in this Date-Definition.
This column's month of the lunar calendar and the Day of Lunar-Calendar find a date of the solar calendar of Calendar-Name to convert from this Date-Definition.
Tap this column and display a list. And tap a item of month which selected from that.
In a leap month, I do handling same as normal month. In other words, that means that it is plural dates.
Day of Lunar-Calendar selector
Day of Lunar-Calendar selector
The Day of Lunar-Calendar which specifies of this Date-Definition setting now.
Choosing day of the lunar calendar in this Date-Definition.
This column's day of the lunar calendar and the Month of Lunar-Calendar find a date of the solar calendar of Calendar-Name to convert from this Date-Definition.
Tap this column and display a list. And tap a item of day which selected from that.
The day of end of the month in the list is fixed, but the day of end of the month of the lunar calendar are 29th or 30th real.
Use to:
The date that is fixed on a day caught in the type A and the type B. Type A's day is fixed by week in the month and day of week. Type B's day is fixed at by the answer to an equation. And it is the only day or plural days.
Event-Days-Group-Definition, General-Holidays-Group-Definition, Regular-Days-Group-Definition.
Choose item "Sandwiched-Week-Calculated-Days-Type-Definition" from Definition Type selector.
Input month and week in month, day of week, an equation to calculate the day.
Refer to "Usage and syntax of the Equation" for the detailed Usage and syntax of the Equation.
The day is established as Calendar-Name only in one day in the necessary days during two dates.
I convert the specified month and the day into Calendar-Name. That date appear from the use starting year to the use ending year. The day was sandwiched on two dates demanded by the contents which you appointed.
With week in month, I point to the one week unit to begin at the beginning of the month of each month.
There is the month which does not exist for "5th week" in Specify Week of Month selector.
You can choose "Every day of week" as the Specify Day of Week selecter, but a meaning to define Date-Definition in this Definition-Type disappears.
Month=Sep., Week=3rd, Day=Mon., Equation=Int(23.70468+0.242194#y#)-Int(#y#/4)+Int(#y#/100)-Int(#y#/400) [Ans. almost 23] => The national holiday when it was sandwiched between Respect for the Aged Day and the Autumnal Equinox Day in Japan only a day. It is Date-Definition on a date to be seen alone in public holidays set in a Japanese area (as of 2014).
Sandwiched-Week-Calculated-Days-Type-Definition entry form
Common title and others
Start Year of usable period input column
End Year of usable period input column
Specify Month selector
Specify Week of Month selector
Specify Day of Week selector
Equation input column
Common buttons
Start Year of usable period input column
Start Year of usable period input column
The year which start of usable period of this Date-Definition setting now.
Inputting year of the Christian era of beginning to use.
This column's year is the first year of the period when I can convert this Date-Definition into individual Calendar-Names.
Input a number into input column with a keyboard.
Only one-byte number characters are usable in this column.
If input a value of year after the End Year of usable period, the value of the End Year of usable period is revised.
The year's value input in this column do not have a limit. But, the whole system of the device will suffer a heavy burden when you input a value far apart.
End Year of usable period input column
End Year of usable period input column
The year which end of usable period of this Date-Definition setting now.
Inputting year of the Christian era of ending to use.
This column's year is the last year of the period when I can convert this Date-Definition into individual Calendar-Names.
When convert to individual Calendar-Name, it include this year.
Input a number into input column with a keyboard.
Only one-byte number characters are usable in this column.
Can not input a year previous than the Start Year of usable period.
The year's value input in this column do not have a limit. But, the whole system of the device will suffer a heavy burden when you input a value far apart.
Specify Month selector
Specify Month selector
The month which specifies of this Date-Definition setting now.
Choosing a specify month in this Date-Definition.
This column's month becomes the month of the date when I convert this Date-Definition into individual Calendar-Names.
When you choose "Every month" as this selecter, I aim at all month from the Start Year to the End Year for Calendar-Name.
Tap this column and display a list. And tap a item of month which selected from that.
Specify Week of Month selector
Specify Week of Month selector
The week in month which specifies of this Date-Definition setting now.
Choosing a specify week in month in this Date-Definition.
This column's week is week in the Specify Month for one in two days find a date of Calendar-Name to convert from this Date-Definition.
When you choose "Every week" as this selecter, I aim at all week in the specified month for Calendar-Name.
When you choose "Last week" as this selecter, I aim at the last 7 days in the specified month for Calendar-Name.
Tap this column and display a list. And tap a item of week in month which selected from that.
It is in the choice item of this column, but there is the month without "5th week".
Specify Day of Week selector
Specify Day of Week selector
The day of week which specifies of this Date-Definition setting now.
Choosing a specify day of week in this Date-Definition.
This column's day of week is a day of week in week in the Specify Month for one in two days find a date of Calendar-Name to convert from this Date-Definition.
Tap this column and display a list. And tap a item of day of week which selected from that.
You can choose "Every day of week" as this selecter, but a meaning to define Date-Definition in this Definition-Type disappears.
Equation input column
Equation input column
The text of the equation to calculate the day which specifies of this Date-Definition setting now.
Inputting an equation into input column with a keyboard.
This column's equation calculat for one in two days find a date of Calendar-Names which converted this Date-Definition.
Input text of an equation into input column with a keyboard.
Only one-byte characters are usable to an equation in this column basically.
Refer to "Usage and syntax of the Equation" for the detailed Usage and syntax of the Equation.
Use to:
The date that is fixed every constant days from the specified date. And there is it during the days repeated monthly.
Event-Days-Group-Definition, General-Holidays-Group-Definition, Regular-Days-Group-Definition.
Choose item "Regular-Intervals-Days" from the Definition Type selector.
Input the start date of usable period, the end year of usable period, the end month of usable period, the days of the interval..
I convert you specified the constant interval days into dates of Calendar-Name. That days appear from the start date of usable period to the End Month of usable period in the End Year of usable period.
Or I convert you specified the constant interval days from the Start Day of usable period of every month into dates of Calendar-Name. That days appear from the Start Year of usable period to End Year of usable period.
Start Year=2013, Start Month=Jan., Start Day=1st, End Year=2013, End Month=Dec., Interval=1 => All days in 2013.
Start Year=2013, Start Month=Apr., Start Day=1st, End Year=2014, End Month=Mar., Interval=14 => The date of the same day of week every two weeks from Apr. 1st, 2013 to the end of Mar., 2014.
Start Year=2010, Start Month=Every Month, Start Day=10th, End Year=2020, End Month=May, Interval=10 => The day to be divisible with 10 at every month from Jan., 2010 to Dec., 2020.
Regular-Intervals-Days-Type-Definition entry form
Common title and others
Start Year of usable period input column
Start Month of usable period selector
End Year of usable period input column
End Month of usable period selector
Start Day of usable period selector
Interval Days input column
Common buttons
Start Year of usable period input column
Start Year of usable period input column
The year which start of usable period of this Date-Definition setting now.
Inputting year of the Christian era of beginning to use in this Date-Definition.
This column's year is the first year of the period when I can convert this Date-Definition into individual Calendar-Names.
Input a number into input column with a keyboard.
Only one-byte number characterss are usable in this column.
If input a value of year after the "End Year of usable period", the value of the "End Year of usable period" and the value of the "End Month of usable period" are revised.
The year's value input in this column do not have a limit. But, the whole system of the device will suffer a heavy burden when you input a value far apart.
Start Month of usable period selector
Start Month of usable period selector
The month which start of usable period of this Date-Definition setting now.
Choosing month of beginning to use in this Date-Definition.
This column's month is the first month of the period when I can convert this Date-Definition into individual Calendar-Names.
When you choose "Every month" as this selecter, I aim at all month from the Start Year to the End Year for Calendar-Name. And I make a repeated date with the days of the interval on the basis of the Start Day of usable of each month.
Tap this column and display a list. And tap a item of month which selected from that.
If input a value of month after the "End Month of usable period" in the "End Year of usable period", the value of the "End Month of usable period" is revised.
End Year of usable period input column
End Year of usable period input column
The year which end of usable period of this Date-Definition setting now.
Inputting year of the Christian era of ending to use in this Date-Definition.
This column's year is the last year of the period when I can convert this Date-Definition into individual Calendar-Names.
When convert to individual Calendar-Name, it include this year.
Input a number into input column with a keyboard.
Only one-byte number characters are usable in this column.
Can not input a year previous than the "Start Year of usable period".
The year's value input in this column do not have a limit. But, the whole system of the device will suffer a heavy burden when you input a value far apart.
End Month of usable period selector
End Month of usable period selector
The month which end of usable period of this Date-Definition setting now.
Choosing month of ending to use in this Date-Definition.
This column's month is the last month of the period when I can convert this Date-Definition into individual Calendar-Names.
Tap this column and display a list. And tap a item of month which selected from that.
Can not input a month previous than the the "End Month of usable period" in the "End Year of usable period".
When you choose "Every month" as the "Start Month of usable period" selecter, I dos not use value of this column when convert this Date-Definition into individual Calendar-Names.
Start Day of usable period selector
Start Day of usable period selector
The day which start of usable period of this Date-Definition setting now.
Choosing day of beginning to use in this Date-Definition.
This column's day is the start day of the period when I can convert this Date-Definition into individual Calendar-Names.
Tap this column and display a list. And tap a item of day which selected from that.
Depending on the Start Year of usable period and the Start Month of usable period, the day of end of the month in the list changes.
Interval Days input column
Interval Days input column
The number of interval days of this Date-Definition setting now.
Inputting a number of interval days in this Date-Definition.
This column's number becomes the constant interval day from the start day of usable period of the date when I convert this Date-Definition into individual Calendar-Name.
Input a number into input column with a keyboard.
Only one-byte number characters are usable in this column.
Cannot input 0 and the negative numerical value.
Use to:
The date that is fixed by a weekday is just specified real day or to come first later than it. And it is the only day or every year or every month.
Event-Days-Group-Definition, Regular-Days-Group-Definition.
Choose item "Weekday-After-Concrete-Days" from the Definition Type selector.
Input month and day.
The monthly choice is possible, too.
I check you specified the date in the Weekday that is Saturday, Sunday, or date of a Calendar-Name by General-Holidays-Group-Definitions. When it matches, I convert that date into a Calendar-Name. When it is different, I convert a day coming the Weekday first after the date into Calendar-Name.
Not repeated on the plural dates when I converted one Date-Definition into Calendar-Name.
"Week day" here refers between Monday and Friday except the day to correspond to General-Holidays-Group-Definition.
Month=Mar., Day=15th => Mar. 15th. If Mar. 15th is Saturday or Sunday or a holiday, it becomes weekday after the next day.
Month=July, Day=4th => 5th July. Because July 4th is Independence Day, it is firat weekday after July 5th.
Month=Every Month, Day=15th => 15th in every month. If that day is Saturday or Sunday or a holiday, it becomes weekday after the next day.
Weekday-After-Concrete-Days-Type-Definition entry form
Common title and others
Start Year of usable period input column
End Year of usable period input column
Specify Month selector
Specify Day selector
Common buttons
Start Year of usable period input column
Start Year of usable period input column
The year which start of usable period of this Date-Definition setting now.
Inputting year of the Christian era of beginning to use.
This column's year is the first year of the period when I can convert this Date-Definition into individual Calendar-Names.
Input a number into input column with a keyboard.
Only one-byte number characters are usable in this column.
If input a value of year after the End Year of usable period, the value of the End Year of usable period is revised.
The year's value input in this column do not have a limit. But, the whole system of the device will suffer a heavy burden when you input a value far apart.
End Year of usable period input column
End Year of usable period input column
The year which end of usable period of this Date-Definition setting now.
Inputting year of the Christian era of ending to use.
This column's year is the last year of the period when I can convert this Date-Definition into individual Calendar-Names.
When convert to individual Calendar-Name, it include this year.
Input a number into input column with a keyboard.
Only one-byte number characters are usable in this column.
Can not input a year previous than the Start Year of usable period.
The year's value input in this column do not have a limit. But, the whole system of the device will suffer a heavy burden when you input a value far apart.
Specify Month selector
Specify Month selector
The month which specifies of this Date-Definition setting now.
Choosing a specify month in this Date-Definition.
This column's month becomes the month of the date when I convert this Date-Definition into individual Calendar-Names.
When you choose "Every month" as this selecter, I aim at all month from the Start Year to the End Year for Calendar-Name.
Tap this column and display a list. And tap a item of month which selected from that.
Specify Day selector
Specify Day selector
The day which specifies of this Date-Definition setting now.
Choosing a specify day in this Date-Definition.
This day becomes the day of the date of Calendar-Names which converted this Date-Definition.
Tap this column and display a list. And tap a item of day which selected from that.
Depending on the month chosen in the Specify Month selector, the day of end of the month in the list changes.
Use to:
The date that is fixed by a weekday is just fixed by week in the month and day of week or to come first later than it. And it is the only day, every year, every day in week in the month, every week or like every day.
Event-Days-Group-Definition, Regular-Days-Group-Definition.
Choose item "Weekday-After-Days-In-Week-Days" from the Definition Type selector.
Input month and week in month and day of week.
I convert a month and a week and the day of week when you specified it on a date. And check it in the Weekday that is Saturday, Sunday, or date of a Calendar-Name by General-Holidays-Group-Definitions. When it match, I convert that date into a Calendar-Name. When it is different, I convert a day coming the Weekday first after the date into Calendar-Name.
Not repeated on the plural dates when I converted one Date-Definition into Calendar-Name.
"Week day" here refers between Monday and Friday except the day to correspond to General-Holidays-Group-Definition.
When you choose "Every day of week" as the Specify Day of Week selecter, I aim at every day in specified week in month for Calendar-Name.
Month=Aug., Week=2nd, Day of Week=Thu. => Aug. 2nd Thu. If Aug. 2nd Thu. is Saturday or Sunday or a holiday, it becomes weekday after the next day.
Start Year=2014, End Year=2014, Month=Sep., Week=1st, Day of Week=Mon. => Sep. 2nd, 2014. Because Sep. 1st Mon.(Sep. 1st, 2014) is Labor Day, it is firat weekday after Sep. 2nd, 2014.
Month=Every Month, Week=2nd, Day of Week=Thu. => 2nd Thu. of every month. If 2nd Thu. of either month is Saturday or Sunday or a holiday, it becomes weekday after the next day.
Month=Dec., Week=Every Week, Day of Week=Every Day of Week => All week days of Dec.
Weekday-After-Days-In-Week-Days-Type-Definition entry form
Common title and others
Start Year of usable period input column
End Year of usable period input column
Specify Month selector
Specify Week of Month selector
Specify Day of Week selector
Common buttons
Start Year of usable period input column
Start Year of usable period input column
The year which start of usable period of this Date-Definition setting now.
Inputting year of the Christian era of beginning to use.
This column's year is the first year of the period when I can convert this Date-Definition into individual Calendar-Names.
Input a number into input column with a keyboard.
Only one-byte number characters are usable in this column.
If input a value of year after the End Year of usable period, the value of the End Year of usable period is revised.
The year's value input in this column do not have a limit. But, the whole system of the device will suffer a heavy burden when you input a value far apart.
End Year of usable period input column
End Year of usable period input column
The year which end of usable period of this Date-Definition setting now.
Inputting year of the Christian era of ending to use.
This column's year is the last year of the period when I can convert this Date-Definition into individual Calendar-Names.
When convert to individual Calendar-Name, it include this year.
Input a number into input column with a keyboard.
Only one-byte number characters are usable in this column.
Can not input a year previous than the Start Year of usable period.
The year's value input in this column do not have a limit. But, the whole system of the device will suffer a heavy burden when you input a value far apart.
Specify Month selector
Specify Month selector
The month which specifies of this Date-Definition setting now.
Choosing a specify month in this Date-Definition.
This column's month becomes the month of the date when I convert this Date-Definition into individual Calendar-Names.
When you choose "Every month" as this selecter, I aim at all month from the Start Year to the End Year for Calendar-Name.
Tap this column and display a list. And tap a item of month which selected from that.
Specify Week of Month selector
Specify Week of Month selector
The week in month which specifies of this Date-Definition setting now.
Choosing a specify week in month in this Date-Definition.
This column's week is a week of the Specify Month to find a date of Calendar-Name to convert from this Date-Definition.
When you choose "Every week" as this selecter, I aim at all week in the specified month for Calendar-Name.
When you choose "Last week" as this selecter, I aim at the last 7 days in the specified month for Calendar-Name.
Tap this column and display a list. And tap a item of week in month which selected from that.
It is in the choice item of this column, but there is the month without "5th week".
Specify Day of Week selector
Specify Day of Week selector
The day of week which specifies of this Date-Definition setting now.
Choosing a specify day of week in this Date-Definition.
This column's day of week is a day of week in week in the Specify Month to find a date of Calendar-Name to convert from this Date-Definition.
When you choose "Every day of week" as this selecter, I aim at every day in the specified week in the month for Calendar-Name.
Tap this column and display a list. And tap a item of day of week which selected from that.
You can choose Sunday, but, actually, are the same as having chosen Monday.
Use to:
The date that is fixed by the day when the deceased died. The day when it holds a service with a Buddhism type.
Event-Days-Group-Definition, Regular-Days-Group-Definition.
Choose item "Buddhist-Memorial-Days" from the Definition Type selector.
Input the death year and month and day.
I convert the days to hold a service for the deceased from the date when you specified it into Calendar-Name.
That days are from the 1st 7th day to the 7th 7th day, and the 100th day, the one round mourning, the 3rd anniversary of death, the 7th anniversary of death, the 13rd anniversary of death, the 17th anniversary of death, the 23rd anniversary of death, the 27th anniversary of death, the 33rd anniversary of death, the 50th anniversary of death, the 100th anniversary of death.
The day of the end of mourning is generally either the 5th 7th day(35th day) or the 7th 7th day(49th day), but does not specify it because that change by the intention of a denomination and the bereaved.
Please decide the schedule to perform a Buddhist memorial service in users practically.
The name displayed as Calendar-Name becomes it that added a name of the mourning day to the Date-Definition Name. Therefore you should input the name of the deceased into the Date-Definition Name.
Death Year=2013, Death Month=Dec., Death Day=11th => The 1st 7th day:Dec. 17th, 2013, The 100th day:Mar. 20th, 2014, The one round mourning:Dec. 11th, 2014, ...
By the way, you can register the monthly anniversary of a death using Concrete-Days-Type-Definition.
We know that there is the yes and no from a religious point of view, but adopted it because it was believed widely in areas called Japan.
Buddhist-Memorial-Days-Type-Definition entry form
Common title and others
Death Year input column
Death Month selector
Death Day selector
Common buttons
Death Year input column
Death Year input column
The year of death of the deceased of this Date-Definition setting now.
Inputting year of the Christian era of the death in this Date-Definition.
This column's year becomes in the year of the start date when I change this Date-Definition to individual Calendar-Names.
Input a number into input column with a keyboard.
Only one-byte number characters are usable in this column.
Death Month selector
Death Month selector
The month of death of the deceased of this Date-Definition setting now.
Choosing a month of the death in this Date-Definition.
This column's month becomes in the month of the start date when I change this Date-Definition to individual Calendar-Names.
Tap this column and display a list. And tap a item of month which selected from that.
The month which you can choose is from Jan. to Dec.
Death Day selector
Death Day selector
The day of death of the deceased of this Date-Definition setting now.
Choosing a day of the death in this Date-Definition.
This column's day becomes in the day of the start date when I change this Date-Definition to individual Calendar-Names.
Tap this column and display a list. And tap a item of day which selected from that.
Depending on the Death Year and the Death Month, the day of end of the month in the list changes.
Use to:
The date is a substitute holiday when that is fixed by real month and day. And that holiday is coming once a year generally.
Choose item "Concrete-Substitute-Holidays" from the Definition Type selector.
Must input a month and a day in one of the next day of the holiday.
The monthly choice is possible, too.
You can choose carrying forward substitute holiday at consecutive holidays. However, it is meaningless because there is not a consecutive public holiday in the United States.
I convert specified month and day into Calendar-Name, that date is the next date of a Sunday and of a date defined in General-Holidays-Group-Definitions. And that days appear from the use starting year to the use ending year.
When you do not carrying forward a date, I can convert it into Calendar-Name only when a specified date is Monday. When you carrying forward the date, I can convert it into Calendar-Name when a specified date is Mon. or Tue. or Wed.
Month=Jan., Day=2nd, Carrying Forward=Non => Jan. 2nd become a substitute holiday, when the new year's day is Sunday.
Month=Oct., Day=9th, Carrying Forward=Doing => When Oct. 8th(the Columbus Day) is Sunday, you do Oct. 9th on a substitute holiday.
Concrete-Substitute-Holidays-Type-Definition entry form
Common title and others
Start Year of usable period input column
End Year of usable period input column
Specify Month selector
Specify Day selector
Carrying Forward check box
Common buttons
Start Year of usable period input column
Start Year of usable period input column
The year which start of usable period of this Date-Definition setting now.
Inputting year of the Christian era of beginning to use.
This column's year is the first year of the period when I can convert this Date-Definition into individual Calendar-Names.
Input a number into input column with a keyboard.
Only one-byte number characters are usable in this column.
If input a value of year after the End Year of usable period, the value of the End Year of usable period is revised.
The year's value input in this column do not have a limit. But, the whole system of the device will suffer a heavy burden when you input a value far apart.
End Year of usable period input column
End Year of usable period input column
The year which end of usable period of this Date-Definition setting now.
Inputting year of the Christian era of ending to use.
This column's year is the last year of the period when I can convert this Date-Definition into individual Calendar-Names.
When convert to individual Calendar-Name, it include this year.
Input a number into input column with a keyboard.
Only one-byte number characters are usable in this column.
Can not input a year previous than the Start Year of usable period.
The year's value input in this column do not have a limit. But, the whole system of the device will suffer a heavy burden when you input a value far apart.
Specify Month selector
Specify Month selector
The month which specifies of this Date-Definition setting now.
Choosing a specify month in this Date-Definition.
This column's month becomes the month of the date when I convert this Date-Definition into individual Calendar-Names.
When you choose "Every month" as this selecter, I aim at all month from the Start Year to the End Year for Calendar-Name.
Tap this column and display a list. And tap a item of month which selected from that.
Specify Day selector
Specify Day selector
The day which specifies of this Date-Definition setting now.
Choosing a specify day in this Date-Definition.
This day becomes the day of the date of Calendar-Names which converted this Date-Definition.
Tap this column and display a list. And tap a item of day which selected from that.
Depending on the month chosen in the Specify Month selector, the day of end of the month in the list changes.
Carrying Forward check box
Carrying Forward check box
The status of check which specifies a substitute holiday carry forward holidays of this Date-Definition setting now.
Selecting a status of the 'Carrying Forward'.
When a check is turned on in the check box of this column, I carry forward a substitute holiday in consecutive holidays when convert the date of this Date-Definition into Calendar-Names.
When a check is not turned on in the check box of this column, I do not convert the date, that is a substitute holiday and is a different holiday, into Calendar-Name.
Tap the check box of this item and turn on and off the check.
Use to:
The date is a substitute holiday when that is fixed by month and the answer to an equation. And that holiday is coming once a year generally.
Choose item "Calculated-Substitute-Holidays" from the Definition Type selector.
Must input a month, and an equation to calculate the next day of the holiday.
The monthly choice is possible, too.
Refer to "Usage and syntax of the Equation" for the detailed Usage and syntax of the Equation.
I convert specified month and the equation to calculate date into Calendar-Name. That date is the next date of a Sunday and of a date defined in General-Holidays-Group-Definitions, and that dates appear from the use starting year to the use ending year.
I can convert it into Calendar-Name only when the calculated date is Monday.
Month=Sep., Equation=Int(24.70468+0.242194*#y#)-Int(#y#/4)+Int(#y#/100)-Int(#y#/400) [Ans. almost 24] => This day is the next day of the Autumnal Equinox Day in Japan. And when it is Monday, it become a substitute holiday.
Calculated-Substitute-Holidays-Type-Definition entry form
Common title and others
Start Year of usable period input column
End Year of usable period input column
Specify Month selector
Equation input column
Common buttons
Start Year of usable period input column
Start Year of usable period input column
The year which start of usable period of this Date-Definition setting now.
Inputting year of the Christian era of beginning to use.
This column's year is the first year of the period when I can convert this Date-Definition into individual Calendar-Names.
Input a number into input column with a keyboard.
Only one-byte number characters are usable in this column.
If input a value of year after the End Year of usable period, the value of the End Year of usable period is revised.
The year's value input in this column do not have a limit. But, the whole system of the device will suffer a heavy burden when you input a value far apart.
End Year of usable period input column
End Year of usable period input column
The year which end of usable period of this Date-Definition setting now.
Inputting year of the Christian era of ending to use.
This column's year is the last year of the period when I can convert this Date-Definition into individual Calendar-Names.
When convert to individual Calendar-Name, it include this year.
Input a number into input column with a keyboard.
Only one-byte number characters are usable in this column.
Can not input a year previous than the Start Year of usable period.
The year's value input in this column do not have a limit. But, the whole system of the device will suffer a heavy burden when you input a value far apart.
Specify Month selector
Specify Month selector
The month which specifes of this Date-Definition setting now.
Choosing a specify month in this Date-Definition.
This column's month becomes the month of the date when I convert this Date-Definition into individual Calendar-Names.
When you choose "Every month" as this selecter, I aim at all month from the Start Year to the End Year for Calendar-Name.
Tap this column and display a list. And tap a item of month which selected from that.
Equation input column
Equation input column
The text of the equation to calculate the day which specifies of this Date-Definition setting now.
Inputting an equation into input column with a keyboard.
This column's equation's answer becomes the day of the date when I convert this Date-Definition into individual Calendar-Names.
Input text of an equation into input column with a keyboard.
Only one-byte characters are usable to an equation in this column basically.
A calculated day being a date of the next day of the holiday.
Refer to "Usage and syntax of the Equation" for the detailed Usage and syntax of the Equation.
Each day Calendar-Names list screen
Status bar and Title area
View Date tab
Calendar-Name details list
Exit button
Advertisement area
A list of detailed information of Calendar-Name to display according to a date.
Displays a list of detailed information of Calendar-Name.
Flick or Swipe the View Date tab, it do scroll to left or right, and change the displaying date of the Calendar-Name details list.
Flick Calendar-Name details list area, it do scroll to above or below.
View Date tab
View Date tab
The calendar which displayed a date of Calendar-Name displaying in the center.
The day of displaying Calendar-Name list
Depending on a Sunday(and a holiday) or a Saturday or other weekday of kind of the date, the text color changes.
Use to:
When exchange a date displaying list.
Displays the Calendar-Name list of the chosen date.
When you do flick or swipe in the direction of right and left in this area, the date of the calendar scrolls.
It becomes dated a day of Calendar-Name which the date of the tab which moved to the central position displays in a list.
It is updated in a list of Calendar-Name dated an applicable day when a finger was separated from a screen.
Blank area below Calendar-Name-details-list, when the Calendar-Name details was not displayed.
Operate it in the same way as the View Date tab.
Calendar-Name details list
Calendar-Name details list
Detailed information of Calendar-Name of registered Date-Definition every date.
Depending on a Sunday(and a holiday) or a Saturday or other day of week or kind of the Date-Group, the Calendar-Name's text color changes.
At the time when Calendar-Name is effective, it become shown by a bright green marker in the Time Range bar.
Flick this list area, it do scroll to above or below.
Exit button
Exit button
Use to:
When you want to return to the Main screen before.
Closes this "Each day Calendar-Names list screen" and returns to Main screen before when you tapped this button.
Calendar-Names list screen
Calendar-Names list screen for Date-Group-Definitions
A detailed list of Calendar-Names which was converted from selected by long-tap from each Date-Group-Definitions list.
Depends on defined of Date-Groups, text color of the date name changes.
Calendar-Names list screen for Date-Plans-Definitions and Time-Schedules-Definition
In Date-Plans-Definitions and Time-Schedules-Definition, an item in this list indicate the place where the matter is performed, and the information of the notice are displayed.
Depends on a Sunday(and a holiday) or a Saturday or other weekday of kind of the date, text color of date changes.
Displays detailed contents Calendar-Names, which converted from a Date-Definition, on a list.
If you choose one Date-Definition among Date-Definitions list, I make Calendar-Names data of the individual date.
Because it takes time for a while, indication written, "Now creating Calendar-Names..." appears for this processing.
Now creating Calendar-Names...
When making of individual Calendar-Names was over, I indicate the number of Calendar-Names which this made and display a list of Calendar-Names.
Number of Calendar-Names.
When you flick the Date-Definitions list area, it do scroll to above or below.
When you want to return to each Date-Definitions list screen before, operate The Return To The Last Screen which is the standard of your device.
Color-Setting screen
Status bar and Title area
Background color preview button
Weekday-Calendar-Names color preview button
Saturday-Calendar-Names color preview button
Holiday-Calendar-Names color preview button
Time-Schedules-Calendar-Names color preview button
Regular-Days-Calendar-Names color preview button
Date-Plans-Calendar-Names color preview button
2nd-Color rate for Background slide bar
2nd-Color rate for Texts slide bar
Load buttonSave button
Exit buttonOK button
Advertisement and System Buttons area
Color samples to confirm the color of each part.
Buttons for open the screen of setting each part's color.
Slide bars for fixing the amount of change of 2nd-Color.
And this background has wall paper set in your device. In other words, you can set a color while confirming a real color.
Displays the screen which sets the color of each part.
Set a light and shade rate to decide the 2nd-Color of the background and the text.
Tap each button, and executing each function.
Slide the knob of the slide bar, or tap a position of the objective value on the slide bar.
Background color preview button
Background color preview button
The preview of the background color and the transmissivity of the background setting now.
Use to:
When change the current background color.
Displays Background color setting screen when you tap this button.
Weekday-Calendar-Names color preview button
Weekday-Calendar-Names color preview button
The preview of the color of the text setting now on the background.
Use to:
When change the current color of usually text and Weekday-Calendar-Names and Event-Days-Group-Calendar-Names.
Displays Weekday-Calendar-Names color setting screen when you tap this button.
Saturday-Calendar-Names color preview button
Saturday-Calendar-Names color preview button
The preview of the color of the text setting now on the background.
Use to:
When change the current color of Saturday-Calendar-Names's text.
Displays Saturday-Calendar-Names color setting screen when you tap this button.
Holiday-Calendar-Names color preview button
Holiday-Calendar-Names color preview button
The preview of the color of the text setting now on the background.
Use to:
When change the current color of Sunday-Calendar-Names's and General-Holidays-Group-Calendar-Names's text.
Displays Holiday-Calendar-Names color setting screen when you tap this button.
Time-Schedules-Calendar-Names color preview button
Time-Schedules-Calendar-Names color preview button
The preview of the color of the text setting now on the background.
Use to:
When change the current color of Time-Schedules-Calendar-Name's text.
Displays Time-Schedules-Calendar-Names color setting screen when you tap this button.
Regular-Days-Calendar-Names color preview button
Regular-Days-Calendar-Names color preview button
The preview of the color of the text setting now on the background.
Use to:
When change the current color of Regular-Days-Calendar-Names's text.
Displays Regular-Days-Calendar-Names color setting screen when you tap this button.
Date-Plans-Calendar-Names color preview button
Date-Plans-Calendar-Name color preview button
The preview of the color of the text setting now on the background.
Use to:
When change the current color of Date-Plans-Calendar-Names's text.
Displays Date-Plans-Calendar-Names color setting screen when you tap this button.
2nd-Color rate for Background slide bar
2nd-Color rate for Background slide bar
The rate of the 2nd color of the background setting now.
Decides a rate of change to decide the second background color to separate by color.
The second background color becomes the color that multiplied the luminosity of the color that you set in the background by this value.
Depending on the operation of the slide bar, a background color of this Color-Setting screen changes.
Slide the knob of this slide bar, or tap a position of the objective value on this slide bar.
-35% to +35%. 5% distance.
2nd-Color rate for Text slide bar
2nd-Color rate for Text slide bar
The rate of the 2nd color of texts setting now.
Decides a rate of change to decide the second texts color to separate by color.
The second text color becomes the color that multiplied the luminosity of the color that you set in the each text by this value.
Depending on the operation of the slide bar, texts color in this Color-Setting screen changes.
Slide the knob of this slide bar, or tap a position of the objective value on this slide bar.
-35% to +35%. 5% distance.
Load button
Load button
Use to:
When want to take in values of Color-Settings stored in a file.
Displays Take In Color-Settings screen.
Tap this button.
Save button
Save button
Use to:
When want to store values of Color-Settings in a file.
Displays Write Out Color-Settings screen.
Tap this button.
Exit button
Exit button
Use to:
When return to the Preference screen without storing the parameter's values of colors setting now.
Destroys the values of colors setting now.
Then, closes current Color-Setting screen.
And returns to the Preference screen before.
Tap this button.
OK button
OK button
Use to:
When store the parameter's values of colors setting now, and return to the Preference screen before.
Stores the values of colors setting now.
Then, closes current Color-Setting screen.
And returns to the Preference screen before.
Tap this button.
Each Color setting screen
Background color setting screen
Status bar & title area
Preview indicator
Hue angle slide bar
Saturation rate slide bar
Brightness rate slide bar
Transmissivity slide bar
Exit buttonOK button
The sample to confirm the background color that you are setting now.
The slide bars to decide a background color by parts of the HSB color model, and decide the transmittancy of the background.
The buttons to regist or to cancel the values setting now.
Confirming the background color setting now.
Using three values of the hue(H), the saturation(S), the brightness(B), you can set a color.
Set a value of transmissivity of the background.
Slide the knob of the slide bar, or tap a position of the objective value on the slide bar.
Tap these buttons.
When you want return to the last screen, tap the Exit button, or operate The Return To The Last Screen which is the standard of your device.
Preview indicator
Preview indicator
The color of background of texts and the transmissivity of the background setting now.
The color of a text indicating here uses the color that reversed background color of that text.
Hue angle slide bar
Hue angle slide bar
The angle of the hue in the HSB color model of background color of texts setting now.
Adjusting the hue of the background color.
The hue becomes a value of the color of the background.
Depending on the operation of this slide bar, the background color of each part changes. Those places are the Preview and this slide bar, the Saturation slide bar, the Brightness slide bar, the Transmissivity slide bar.
Slide the knob of this slide bar, or tap a position of the objective value on this slide bar.
0deg. to 360deg.(Full color). 5deg. distance.
Saturation rate slide bar
Saturation rate slide bar
The rate of the saturation in the HSB color model of background color of text setting now.
Adjusting the saturation of the background color.
The saturation becomes a value of the color of the background.
Depending on the operation of this slide bar, the background color of each part changes. Those places are the Preview and this slide bar, the Hue slide bar, the Brightness slide bar, the Transmissivity slide bar.
Slide the knob of this slide bar, or tap a position of the objective value on this slide bar.
0%(Monochrome) to 100%(Pure). 5% distance.
Brightness rate slide bar
Brightness rate slide bar
The rate of the brightness in the HSB color model of the background color of text setting now.
Adjusting the brightness of the background color.
The brightness becomes a value of the color of the background.
Depending on the operation of this slide bar, the background color of each part changes. Those places are the Preview and this slide bar, the Saturation slide bar, the Hue slide bar, the Transmissivity slide bar.
Slide the knob of this slide bar, or tap a position of the objective value on this slide bar.
0%(Darkness) to 100%(Bright). 5% distance.
Transmissivity slide bar
Transmissivity slide bar
The transmissivity of the background setting now.
Adjusting the transmissivity of the background.
The transmissivity becomes a value of transmissivity of the background.
Depending on the operation of this slide bar, the background color of each part changes. Those places are the Preview and this slide bar, the Saturation slide bar, the Hue slide bar, the Brightness slide bar.
Slide the knob of this slide bar, or tap a position of the objective value on this slide bar.
0%(Opacity) to 100%(Water-clear). 5% distance.
Exit button
Exit button
Use to:
When return to the Color-Setting screen without storing the parameter's values of color of the background setting now.
Destroys the values of color of the background setting now.
Then, closes current Background color setting screen.
And returns to the Color-Setting screen before.
Tap this button.
OK button
OK button
Use to:
When store the parameter's values of this color setting now, and return to the Color-Setting screen before.
Stores the value of the background color setting now.
Then, closes current Background color setting screen.
And returns to the Color-Setting screen before.
Tap this button.
Weekday-Calendar-Names color setting screen
Status bar & title area
Preview indicator
Hue angle slide bar
Saturation rate slide bar
Brightness rate slide bar
Exit buttonOK button
The sample to confirm the Weekday-Calendar-Name's text color that you are setting now.
The slide bars to decide the Weekday-Calendar-Name's text color by parts of the HSB color model.
The buttons to regist or to cancel the values setting now.
Confirming a text color setting now.
Using three values of the hue(H), the saturation(S), the Brightness(B), you can set a color.
Slide the knob of the slide bar, or tap a position of the objective value on the slide bar.
Taps these buttons.
Preview indicator
Preview indicator
The text which reflected a color setting now on the background.
Hue angle slide bar
Hue angle slide bar
The angle of the hue in the HSB color model of color of texts setting now.
Adjusting the hue of the texts color.
The hue becomes a value of the color of texts.
Depending on the operation of this slide bar, color of each parts changes. Those parts are the text color of the preview and the background color of this slide bar and the Saturation rate slide bar and the Brightness rate slide bar.
Slide the knob of this slide bar, or tap a position of the objective value on this slide bar.
0deg. to 360deg.(Full color). 5deg. distance.
Saturation rate slide bar
Saturation rate slide bar
The rate of the saturation in the HSB color model of color of texts setting now.
Adjusting the saturation of the texts color.
The saturation becomes a value of the color of texts.
Depending on the operation of this slide bar, color of each parts changes. Those parts are the text color of the preview and the background color of this slide bar and the Hue angle slide bar and the Brightness rate slide bar.
Slide the knob of this slide bar, or tap a position of the objective value on this slide bar.
0%(Monochrome) to 100%(Pure). 5% distance.
Brightness rate slide bar
Brightness rate slide bar
The rate of the brightness in the HSB color model of color of texts setting now.
Adjusting the brightness of the texts color.
The brightness becomes a value of the color of texts.
Depending on the operation of this slide bar, color of each parts changes. Those parts are the text color of the preview and the background color of this slide bar and the Hue angle slide bar and the Saturation rate slide bar.
Slide the knob of this slide bar, or tap a position of the objective value on this slide bar.
0%(Darkness) to 100%(Bright). 5% distance.
Exit button
Exit button
Use to:
When return to the Color-Setting screen without storing the parameter's values of this texts color setting now.
Destroys the values of this texts color setting now.
Then, closes current texts color setting screen.
And returns to the Color-Setting screen before.
Tap this button.
OK button
OK button
Use to:
When store the parameter's values of this texts color setting now, and return to the Color-Setting screen before.
Stores the value of this texts color setting now.
Then, closes current texts color setting screen.
And returns to the Color-Setting screen before.
Tap this button.
Saturday-Calendar-Names color setting screen
Status bar & title area
Preview indicator
Hue angle slide bar
Saturation rate slide bar
Brightness rate slide bar
Exit buttonOK button
The sample to confirm the Saturday-Calendar-Name's text color that you are setting now.
The slide bars to decide the Saturday-Calendar-Name's text color by parts of the HSB color model.
The buttons to regist or to cancel the values setting now.
Confirming a text color setting now.
Using three values of the hue(H), the saturation(S), the brightness(B), you can set a color.
Slide the knob of the slide bar, or tap a position of the objective value on the slide bar.
Taps these buttons.
Preview indicator
Preview indicator
The text which reflected a color setting now on the background.
Hue angle slide bar
Hue angle slide bar
The angle of the hue in the HSB color model of color of texts setting now.
Adjusting the hue of the texts color.
The hue becomes a value of the color of texts.
Depending on the operation of this slide bar, color of each parts changes. Those parts are the text color of the preview and the background color of this slide bar and the Saturation rate slide bar and the Brightness rate slide bar.
Slide the knob of this slide bar, or tap a position of the objective value on this slide bar.
180deg.(Cyan) to 300deg.(Magenta). 5deg. distance.
I limit it to the color of a blue system imaging Saturday.
Saturation rate slide bar
Saturation rate slide bar
The rate of the saturation in the HSB color model of color of texts setting now.
Adjusting the saturation of the texts color.
The saturation becomes a value of the color of texts.
Depending on the operation of this slide bar, color of each parts changes. Those parts are the text color of the preview and the background color of this slide bar and the Hue angle slide bar and the Brightness rate slide bar.
Slide the knob of this slide bar, or tap a position of the objective value on this slide bar.
0%(Monochrome) to 100%(Pure). 5% distance.
Brightness rate slide bar
Brightness rate slide bar
The rate of the brightness in the HSB color model of color of texts setting now.
Adjusting the brightness of the texts color.
The brightness becomes a value of the color of texts.
Depending on the operation of this slide bar, color of each parts changes. Those parts are the text color of the preview and the background color of this slide bar and the Hue angle slide bar and the Saturation rate slide bar.
Slide the knob of this slide bar, or tap a position of the objective value on this slide bar.
0%(Darkness) to 100%(Bright). 5% distance.
Exit button
Exit button
Use to:
When return to the Color-Setting screen without storing the parameter's values of this texts color setting now.
Destroys the values of this texts color setting now.
Then, closes current texts color setting screen.
And returns to the Color-Setting screen before.
Tap this button.
OK button
OK button
Use to:
When store the parameter's values of this texts color setting now, and return to the Color-Setting screen before.
Stores the value of this texts color setting now.
Then, closes current texts color setting screen.
And returns to the Color-Setting screen before.
Tap this button.
Holiday-Calendar-Names color setting screen
Status bar & title area
Preview indicator
Hue angle slide bar
Saturation rate slide bar
Brightness rate slide bar
Exit buttonOK button
The sample to confirm the Holiday-Calendar-Name's text color that you are setting now.
The slide bars to decide the Holiday-Calendar-Name's text color by parts of the HSB color model.
The buttons to regist or to cancel the values setting now.
Confirming a text color setting now.
Using three values of the hue(H), the saturation(S), the brightness(B), you can set a color.
Slide the knob of the slide bar, or tap a position of the objective value on the slide bar.
Taps these buttons.
Preview indicator
Preview indicator
The text which reflected a color setting now on the background.
Hue angle slide bar
Hue angle slide bar
The angle of the hue in the HSB color model of color of texts setting now.
Adjusting the hue of the texts color.
The hue becomes a value of the color of texts.
Depending on the operation of this slide bar, color of each parts changes. Those parts are the text color of the preview and the background color of this slide bar and the Saturation rate slide bar and the Brightness rate slide bar.
Slide the knob of this slide bar, or tap a position of the objective value on this slide bar.
300deg.(Magenta) to 420deg.(Yellow). 5deg. distance.
I limit it to the color of a red system imaging Sunday or holiday.
Saturation rate slide bar
Saturation rate slide bar
The rate of the saturation in the HSB color model of color of texts setting now.
Adjusting the saturation of the texts color.
The saturation becomes a value of the color of texts.
Depending on the operation of this slide bar, color of each parts changes. Those parts are the text color of the preview and the background color of this slide bar and the Hue angle slide bar and the Brightness rate slide bar.
Slide the knob of this slide bar, or tap a position of the objective value on this slide bar.
0%(Monochrome) to 100%(Pure). 5% distance.
Brightness rate slide bar
Brightness rate slide bar
The rate of the brightness in the HSB color model of color of texts setting now.
Adjusting the brightness of the texts color.
The brightness becomes a value of the color of texts.
Depending on the operation of this slide bar, color of each parts changes. Those parts are the text color of the preview and the background color of this slide bar and the Hue angle slide bar and the Saturation rate slide bar.
Slide the knob of this slide bar, or tap a position of the objective value on this slide bar.
0%(Darkness) to 100%(Bright). 5% distance.
Exit button
Exit button
Use to:
When return to the Color-Setting screen without storing the parameter's values of this texts color setting now.
Destroys the values of this texts color setting now.
Then, closes current texts color setting screen.
And returns to the Color-Setting screen before.
Tap this button.
OK button
OK button
Use to:
When store the parameter's values of this texts color setting now, and return to the Color-Setting screen before.
Stores the value of this texts color setting now.
Then, closes current texts color setting screen.
And returns to the Color-Setting screen before.
Tap this button.
Time-Schedules-Calendar-Names color setting screen
Status bar & title area
Preview indicator
Hue angle slide bar
Saturation rate slide bar
Brightness rate slide bar
Exit buttonOK button
The sample to confirm the Time-Schedules-Calendar-Name's text color that you are setting now.
The slide bars to decide the Time-Schedules-Calendar-Name's text color by parts of the HSB color model.
The buttons to regist or to cancel the values setting now.
Confirming a text color setting now.
Using three values of the hue(H), the saturation(S), the brightness(B), you can set a color.
Slide the knob of the slide bar, or tap a position of the objective value on the slide bar.
Taps these buttons.
Preview indicator
Preview indicator
The text which reflected a color setting now on the background.
Hue angle slide bar
Hue angle slide bar
The angle of the hue in the HSB color model of color of texts setting now.
Adjusting the hue of the texts color.
The hue becomes a value of the color of texts.
Depending on the operation of this slide bar, color of each parts changes. Those parts are the text color of the preview and the background color of this slide bar and the Saturation rate slide bar and the Brightness rate slide bar.
Slide the knob of this slide bar, or tap a position of the objective value on this slide bar.
0deg. to 360deg.(Full color). 5deg. distance.
Saturation rate slide bar
Saturation rate slide bar
The rate of the saturation in the HSB color model of color of texts setting now.
Adjusting the saturation of the texts color.
The saturation becomes a value of the color of texts.
Depending on the operation of this slide bar, color of each parts changes. Those parts are the text color of the preview and the background color of this slide bar and the Hue angle slide bar and the Brightness rate slide bar.
Slide the knob of this slide bar, or tap a position of the objective value on this slide bar.
0%(Monochrome) to 100%(Pure). 5% distance.
Brightness rate slide bar
Brightness rate slide bar
The rate of the brightness in the HSB color model of color of texts setting now.
Adjusting the brightness of the texts color.
The brightness becomes a value of the color of texts.
Depending on the operation of this slide bar, color of each parts changes. Those parts are the text color of the preview and the background color of this slide bar and the Hue angle slide bar and the Saturation rate slide bar.
Slide the knob of this slide bar, or tap a position of the objective value on this slide bar.
0%(Darkness) to 100%(Bright). 5% distance.
Exit button
Exit button
Use to:
When return to the Color-Setting screen without storing the parameter's values of this texts color setting now.
Destroys the values of this texts color setting now.
Then, closes current texts color setting screen.
And returns to the Color-Setting screen before.
Tap this button.
OK button
OK button
Use to:
When store the parameter's values of this texts color setting now, and return to the Color-Setting screen before.
Stores the value of this texts color setting now.
Then, closes current texts color setting screen.
And returns to the Color-Setting screen before.
Tap this button.
Regular-Days-Calendar-Names color setting screen
Status bar & title area
Preview indicator
Hue angle slide bar
Saturation rate slide bar
Brightness rate slide bar
Exit buttonOK button
The sample to confirm the Regular-Days-Calendar-Name's text color that you are setting now.
The slide bars to decide the Regular-Days-Calendar-Name's text color by parts of the HSB color model.
The buttons to regist or to cancel the values setting now.
Confirming a text color setting now.
Using three values of the hue(H), the saturation(S), the brightness(B), you can set a color.
Slide the knob of the slide bar, or tap a position of the objective value on the slide bar.
Taps these buttons.
Preview indicator
Preview indicator
The text which reflected a color setting now on the background.
Hue angle slide bar
Hue angle slide bar
The angle of the hue in the HSB color model of color of texts setting now.
Adjusting the hue of the texts color.
The hue becomes a value of the color of texts.
Depending on the operation of this slide bar, color of each parts changes. Those parts are the text color of the preview and the background color of this slide bar and the Saturation rate slide bar and the Brightness rate slide bar.
Slide the knob of this slide bar, or tap a position of the objective value on this slide bar.
0deg. to 360deg.(Full color). 5deg. distance.
Saturation rate slide bar
Saturation rate slide bar
The rate of the saturation in the HSB color model of color of texts setting now.
Adjusting the saturation of the texts color.
The saturation becomes a value of the color of texts.
Depending on the operation of this slide bar, color of each parts changes. Those parts are the text color of the preview and the background color of this slide bar and the Hue angle slide bar and the Brightness rate slide bar.
Slide the knob of this slide bar, or tap a position of the objective value on this slide bar.
0%(Monochrome) to 100%(Pure). 5% distance.
Brightness rate slide bar
Brightness rate slide bar
The rate of the brightness in the HSB color model of color of texts setting now.
Adjusting the brightness of the texts color.
The brightness becomes a value of the color of texts.
Depending on the operation of this slide bar, color of each parts changes. Those parts are the text color of the preview and the background color of this slide bar and the Hue angle slide bar and the Saturation rate slide bar.
Slide the knob of this slide bar, or tap a position of the objective value on this slide bar.
0%(Darkness) to 100%(Bright). 5% distance.
Exit button
Exit button
Use to:
When return to the Color-Setting screen without storing the parameter's values of this texts color setting now.
Destroys the values of this texts color setting now.
Then, closes current texts color setting screen.
And returns to the Color-Setting screen before.
Tap this button.
OK button
OK button
Use to:
When store the parameter's values of this texts color setting now, and return to the Color-Setting screen before.
Stores the value of this texts color setting now.
Then, closes current texts color setting screen.
And returns to the Color-Setting screen before.
Tap this button.
Date-Plans-Calendar-Names color setting screen
Status bar & title area
Preview indicator
Hue angle slide bar
Saturation rate slide bar
Brightness rate slide bar
Exit buttonOK button
The sample to confirm the Date-Plans-Calendar-Name's text color that you are setting now.
The slide bars to decide the Date-Plans-Calendar-Name's text color by parts of the HSB color model.
The buttons to regist or to cancel the values setting now.
Confirming a text color setting now.
Using three values of the hue(H), the saturation(S), the brightness(B), you can set a color.
Slide the knob of the slide bar, or tap a position of the objective value on the slide bar.
Taps these buttons.
Preview indicator
Preview indicator
The text which reflected a color setting now on the background.
Hue angle slide bar
Hue angle slide bar
The angle of the hue in the HSB color model of color of texts setting now.
Adjusting the hue of the texts color.
The hue becomes a value of the color of texts.
Depending on the operation of this slide bar, color of each parts changes. Those parts are the text color of the preview and the background color of this slide bar and the Saturation rate slide bar and the Brightness rate slide bar.
Slide the knob of this slide bar, or tap a position of the objective value on this slide bar.
0deg. to 360deg.(Full color). 5deg. distance.
Saturation rate slide bar
Saturation rate slide bar
The rate of the saturation in the HSB color model of color of texts setting now.
Adjusting the saturation of the texts color.
The saturation becomes a value of the color of texts.
Depending on the operation of this slide bar, color of each parts changes. Those parts are the text color of the preview and the background color of this slide bar and the Hue angle slide bar and the Brightness rate slide bar.
Slide the knob of this slide bar, or tap a position of the objective value on this slide bar.
0%(Monochrome) to 100%(Pure). 5% distance.
Brightness rate slide bar
Brightness rate slide bar
The rate of the brightness in the HSB color model of color of texts setting now.
Adjusting the brightness of the texts color.
The brightness becomes a value of the color of texts.
Depending on the operation of this slide bar, color of each parts changes. Those parts are the text color of the preview and the background color of this slide bar and the Hue angle slide bar and the Saturation rate slide bar.
Slide the knob of this slide bar, or tap a position of the objective value on this slide bar.
0%(Darkness) to 100%(Bright). 5% distance.
Exit button
Exit button
Use to:
When return to the Color-Setting screen without storing the parameter's values of this texts color setting now.
Destroys the values of this texts color setting now.
Then, closes current texts color setting screen.
And returns to the Color-Setting screen before.
Tap this button.
OK button
OK button
Use to:
When store the parameter's values of this texts color setting now, and return to the Color-Setting screen before.
Stores the value of this texts color setting now.
Then, closes current texts color setting screen.
And returns to the Color-Setting screen before.
Tap this button.
Take In Color-Settings screen
Status bar and Title area
Target Color-Settings file name indicator
Color-Settings files list
Exit buttonDo Take In button
Advertisement and System Buttons area
A indication column of the name of Color-Settings file to include.
A list of folders and Color-Settings files in your device.
Buttons for carrying out each function.
Read in Color-Settings from a stored external file, and replace current editing Color-Settings.
When you flick the files list area, it do scroll to above or below.
Long-taps the item of the files list and chooses a Color-Settings file or a folder.
Taps the button of the objective function.
Target Color-Settings file name indicator
Target Color-Settings file name indicator
Displays the full pathname of a displaying folder of the Color-Settings files list or of a chosen Color-Settings file.
When you displayed this screen, this column display a path of a data folder in Internal Storage in your device.
Color-Settings files list
Color-Settings files list
Folders and Color-Settings files existing in the chosen folder which there is in your device are displayed.
A item to To upper level folder is displayed if this list displays a folder below the top level.
In each item, an icon and the name of folder or file, the last update date, an attribute are displayed.
Icon of file:
A Color-Settings file.
Icon of folders with contents:
A folder which Color-Settings files or folders are inside.
Icon of empty folders:
A folder which Color-Settings files and folders are no inside.
An English letter displayed after the last update date is the attribute of the file or the folder.
H: Hidden file or folder.
N: Normal file or folder.
Choosing a file or a folder.
Scrolling the list which the number of the indication exceeds.
When you displayed this screen, this list display a list of Color-Settings files and folders in a data folder in Internal Storage in your device.
Long-tap a item of file in this list and chooses the file.
Long-taps a item of folder in this list and display the contents of the folder which you chose.
Long-taps a item of the To upper level folder in this list and display the contents of a folder of a upper level of the current folder.
When you flick this list area, it do scroll to above or below.
Files displayed in this list are only Color-Settings files having .cmc of extension.
To upper level folder item
To upper level folder item
Displays the contents of a folder of a upper level of current folder.
Displays the full pathname of a folder of a upper level of current folder to the Target Color-Settings file name indicator.
And updates the indication contents on the Color-Settings files list in the contents of a folder of a upper level of current folder.
Long-tap this item.
Chooses the file
Now selecting a file
Displays the full pathname of a chosen file to the Target Color-Settings file name indicator.
When chose a file, you can use the Do Take In button.
Because the uptake processing not begin at this time yet, you can rechoose a file.
Long-tap a item of file in the Color-Settings files list.
Exit button
Exit button
Use to:
When finishing process of this Take In Color-Settings and returning to the Color-Setting screen.
Closes this Take In Color-Settings screen.
And returns to the Color-Setting screen before.
Tap this button.
Do Take In button
Do Take In button
Use to:
When taking in the Color-Settings from the chosen file.
Indicates "Now Taking In".
Then reads data which is the Color-Settings from the selected file. And replace current editing Color-Settings.
When processing is finished, I display a message indicating the success or failure of the processing.
Indicator of Finish Taking In
Tap this button.
While has not yet chosen a Color-Settings file, you cannot use this button.
Can edit Color-Settings which you teke in with Color-Settings screen.
Tap the OK button of the Color-Settings screen to let all parts of this application reflect the Color-Settings which you took in.
Write Out Color-Settings screen
Status bar and Title area
Target Color-Settings file name input column
Color-Settings files list
Exit buttonDo Write Out button
Advertisement area
A input column of the name of Color-Settings file to write out.
A list of folders and Color-Settings files in your device.
Buttons for carrying out each function.
And a keyboard to input a file name. You can make it non-indication by the operation of the device.
Writes-out Color-Settings which you are editing now to a Color-Settings file.
Input a name of file into input column with a keyboard.
When you flick the files list area, it do scroll to above or below.
When you long-tap a item of files list a Color-Settings file or a folder is chosen.
When you tap either button, the function of that button is carried out.
Target Color-Settings file name input column
Target Color-Settings file name input column
Displays the full pathname of a displaying folder of the Color-Settings files list or of chosen Color-Settings file.
Inputting the full pathname of a Color-Settings file that you want to write out Color-Settings at. Or choosing a file in a chosen folder for the Color-Settings files list.
This column's text becomes the name of a file to write out Color-Settings at. When you input a file name, you become able to use the Do Write Out button.
Input text of a file name into input column with a keyboard.
Or long-tap a item in the Color-Settings files list.
Extension of a Color-Settings file is .cmc.
The keyboard can make non-indication by the operation of your device.
When you displayed this screen, this column display a path of a data folder in Internal Storage in your device.
Can't write out file to Outside Storage(ex. SD memory card) in your device.
Color-Settings files list
Color-Settings files list
Item "Create new File" is displayed with Color-Settings files with folders existing in the chosen folder which there is in your device.
Item "To upper level folder" is displayed if this list displays a folder below the top level.
In each item, an icon and the name of folder or file, the last update date, an attribute are displayed.
Icon of existing file:
Existing Color-Settings file.
Icon of new file:
New Color-Settings file.
Icon of folders with contents:
A folder which Color-Settings files or folders are inside.
Icon of empty folders:
A folder which Color-Settings files and folders are no inside.
An English letter displayed after the last update date is the attribute of the file or the folder.
H: Hidden file or folder.
N: Normal file or folder.
Choosing a file or a folder.
Scrolling the list which the number of the indication exceeds.
When you displayed this screen, this list display a list of Color-Settings files and folders in a data folder in Internal Storage in your device.
Can't write out file to Outside Storage(ex. SD memory card) in your device.
When you long-tap a item of file in this list and choose the file.
When you long-tap a item of a folder in this list and display the contents of the folder which you chose.
When you long-tap a item of the Create new File in this list, and I create a new Color-Settings file name into current display folder, and I display it to the Target Color-Settings file name input column.
When you long-tap a item of the To upper level folder in this list, and I display the contents of a folder of a upper level of the current folder.
When you flick this list area, it do scroll to above or below.
Files displayed in this list are only Color-Settings files having .cmc of extension.
Create new File item
Create new File item
Creates a name of a new Color-Settings file.
Creates a name of a new Color-Settings file.
Then displays it to the Target Color-Settings file name input column.
And it allows you to use the Do Write Out button.
Because the write-out processing not begin at this time yet, you can rename a file.
Long-tap this item in the files list.
To upper level folder item
To upper level folder item
Displays the contents of a folder of a upper level of current folder.
Displays the full pathname of a folder of a upper level of current folder to the Target Color-Settings file name input column.
And updates the indication contents on the Color-Settings files list in the contents of a folder of a upper level of current folder.
Long-tap this item.
Input and choose the file
Now inputting a file name
If you input a file name, you become able to use the Do Write Out button.
Because the write-out processing not begin at this time yet, you can input a file name again.
Long-tap the item of the Create new File or a file in the Color-Settings files list, and I indicate the full pathname of that chosen file.
Or input the full pathname into the Target Color-Settings file name input column.
Extension of a Color-Settings file is .cmc.
Exit button
Exit button
Use to:
When finishing process of this Write Out Color-Settings and returning to the Color-Setting screen.
Closes this Write Out Color-Settings screen.
And returns to the Color-Setting screen before.
Tap this button.
Do Write Out button
Do Write Out button
Use to:
When write-out the Color-Settings to the Color-Settings file which you appointed.
Indicates "Now Writing Out".
Then writes the Color-Settings data, which you are editing now, to a file of the Color-Settings.
When processing is finished, I display a message indicating the success or failure of the processing.
Indicator of finish write-out
Tap this button.
While has not yet input a file name of the Color-Settings, you cannot use this button.
Can read the Color-Settings from the file written out by you using the Take In Color-Settings function as the Color-Settings.
Take In External-Date-Definitions screen
Status bar and Title area
Target External-Date-Definitions file name indicator
External-Date-Definitions files list
Exit buttonDo Take In button
Advertisement area
A indication column of the name of External-Date-Definitions file to include.
A list of folders and External-Date-Definitions files in your device.
Buttons for carrying out each function.
Reading External-Date-Definitions stored in an external file and register to the internal database as Date-Definitions.
When you flick the files list area, it do scroll to above or below.
Long-taps the item of the files list and chooses an External-Date-Definitions file or a folder.
Taps the button of the objective function.
Target External-Date-Definition file name indicator
Target External-Date-Definition file name indicator
Displays the full pathname of a displaying folder of the External-Date-Definition files list or of a chosen External-Date-Definition file.
When you displayed this screen, this column display a path of a data folder in Internal Storage in your device.
External-Date-Definition files list
External-Date-Definition files list
Folders and External-Date-Definitions files existing in the chosen folder which there is in your device are displayed.
A item to To upper level folder is displayed if this list displays a folder below the top level.
In each item, an icon and the name of folder or file, the last update date, an attribute are displayed.
Icon of file:
An External-Date-Definitions file.
Icon of folders with contents:
A folder which External-Date-Definitions files or folders are inside.
Icon of empty folders:
A folder which External-Date-Definitions files and folders are no inside.
An English letter displayed after the last update date is the attribute of the file or the folder.
H: Hidden file or folder.
N: Normal file or folder.
Choosing a file or a folder.
Scrolling the list which the number of the indication exceeds.
When you displayed this screen, this list display a list of External-Date-Definitions files and folders in a data folder in Internal Storage in your device.
Long-tap a item of file in this list and chooses the file.
Long-taps a item of folder in this list and display the contents of the folder which you chose.
Long-taps a item of the To upper level folder in this list and display the contents of a folder of a upper level of the current folder.
When you flick this list area, it do scroll to above or below.
Files displayed in this list are only External-Date-Definitions files having .txt of extension.
To upper level folder item
To upper level folder item
Displays the contents of a folder of a upper level of current folder.
Displays the full pathname of a folder of a upper level of current folder to the Target External-Date-Definition file name indicator.
And updates the indication contents on the External-Date-Definition files list in the contents of a folder of a upper level of current folder.
Long-tap this item.
Chooses the file
Now selecting a file
Displays the full pathname of a chosen file to the Target External-Date-Definition file name indicator.
When chose a file, you can use the Do Take In button.
Because the uptake processing not begin at this time yet, you can rechoose a file.
Long-tap a item of file in the External-Date-Definition files list.
Do Take In button
Do Take In button
Use to:
When taking in the External-Date-Definitions from the chosen file.
Indicates "Now Taking In".
Indicator of Now Taking In
Then reads contents which is the External-Date-Definitions in the selected file.
And registers the External-Date-Definitions into the internal database as the Date-Definitions.
Finally rebuilds the internal database.
When processing is finished, I display a message indicating the success or failure of the processing.
Indicator of Finish Taking In
Tap this button.
While has not yet chosen an External-Date-Definitions file, you cannot use this button.
The processing to rebuild an internal database may take time for a while.
Can display the External-Date-Definitions read in by you with a list as Date-Definitions of each Date-Group and can edit it.
Exit button
Exit button
Use to:
When finishing process of this Take In External-Date-Definitions and returning to the Preference screen.
Closes this Take In External-Date-Definitions screen.
And returns to the Preference screen before.
Tap this button.
Write Out Date-Definitions screen
Status bar and Title area
Target External-Date-Definition file name input column
External-Date-Definition files list
Exit buttonDo Write Out button
Advertisement area
A input column of the name of External-Date-Definitions file to write out.
A list of folders and External-Date-Definitions files in your device.
Buttons for carrying out each function.
And a keyboard to input a file name. You can make it non-indication by the operation of the device.
Writes-out you registered Date-Definitions to an External-Date-Definitions file.
Input a name of file into input column with a keyboard.
When you flick the files list area, it do scroll to above or below.
When you long-tap a item of files list an External-Date-Definitions file or a folder is chosen.
When you tap either button, the function of that button is carried out.
Target External-Date-Definition file name input column
Target External-Date-Definition file name input column
Displays the full pathname of a displaying folder of the External-Date-Definition files list or of chosen External-Date-Definition file.
Inputting the full pathname of an External-Date-Definition file that you want to write out Date-Definitions at. Or choosing a file in a chosen folder for the External-Date-Definition files list.
This column's text becomes the name of a file to write out Date-Definition at. When you input a file name, you become able to use the Do Write Out button.
Input text of a file name into input column with a keyboard.
Or long-tap a item in the External-Date-Definition files list.
Extension of an External-Date-Definition file is .txt.
The keyboard can make non-indication by the operation of your device.
When you displayed this screen, this column display a path of a data folder in Internal Storage in your device.
Can't write out file to Outside Storage(ex. SD memory card) in your device.
External-Date-Definition files list
External-Date-Definition files list
Item "Create new File" is displayed with External-Date-Definitions files with folders existing in the chosen folder which there is in your device.
Item "To upper level folder" is displayed if this list displays a folder below the top level.
In each item, an icon and the name of folder or file, the last update date, an attribute are displayed.
Icon of existing file:
Existing External-Date-Definitions file.
Icon of new file:
New External-Date-Definitions file.
Icon of folders with contents:
A folder which External-Date-Definitions files or folders are inside.
Icon of empty folders:
A folder which External-Date-Definitions files and folders are no inside.
An English letter displayed after the last update date is the attribute of the file or the folder.
H: Hidden file or folder.
N: Normal file or folder.
Choosing a file or a folder.
Scrolling the list which the number of the indication exceeds.
When you displayed this screen, this list display a list of External-Date-Definitions files and folders in a data folder in Internal Storage in your device.
Can't write out file to Outside Storage(ex. SD memory card) in your device.
When you long-tap a item of file in this list and choose the file.
When you long-tap a item of a folder in this list and display the contents of the folder which you chose.
When you long-tap a item of the Create new File in this list, and I create a new External-Date-Definition file name into current display folder, and I display it to the Target External-Date-Definition file name input column.
When you long-tap a item of the To upper level folder in this list, and I display the contents of a folder of a upper level of the current folder.
When you flick this list area, it do scroll to above or below.
Files displayed in this list are only External-Date-Definitions files having .txt of extension.
Create new File item
Create new File item
Creates a name of a new External-Date-Definitions file.
Creates a name of a new External-Date-Definitions file.
Then displays it to the Target External-Date-Definition file name input column.
And it allows you to use the Do Write Out button.
Because the write-out processing not begin at this time yet, you can rename a file.
Long-tap this item in the files list.
To upper level folder item
To upper level folder item
Displays the contents of a folder of a upper level of current folder.
Displays the full pathname of a folder of a upper level of current folder to the Target External-Date-Definition file name input column.
And updates the indication contents on the External-Date-Definition files list in the contents of a folder of a upper level of current folder.
Long-tap this item.
Input and choose the file
Now inputting a file name
If you input a file name, you become able to use the Do Write Out button.
Because the write-out processing not begin at this time yet, you can input a file name again.
Long-tap the item of the Create new File or a file in the External-Date-Definition files list, and I indicate the full pathname of that chosen file.
Or input the full pathname into the Target External-Date-Definition file name input column.
Extension of an External-Date-Definition file is .txt.
Do Write Out button
Do Write Out button
Use to:
When write-out the Date-Definitions to the External-Date-Definitions file which you appointed.
Indicates "Now Writing Out".
Indicator of Now Writing Out...
Then writes the Date-Definitions data, which you registered, to a file of the External-Date-Definitions.
When processing is finished, I display a message indicating the success or failure of the processing.
Indicator of finish write-out
Tap this button.
While has not yet input a file name of the External-Date-Definitions, you cannot use this button.
Can read the External-Date-Definitions from the file written out by you using the Take In External-Date-Definitions function as the Date-Definitions.
Exit button
Exit button
Use to:
When finishing process of this Write Out Date-Definitions and returning to the Preference screen.
Closes this Write Out Date-Definitions screen.
And returns to the Preference screen before.
Tap this button.
Rebuild Data screen
Status bar and Title area
Rebuild Database button
Exit button
Buttons for rebuild a database.
Use to:
When, on the date when I should have converted Date-Definition which you registered, Calendar-Names is not displayed.
When the making of the Calendar-Names data carried out automatically was not finished in some kind of factors normally.
When cash data of this application were enlarged, and operation environment of your device turned worse.
Rebuilding the internal database which registered the Calendar-Names.
Tap either button, the function of that button is carried out.
It is not usually necessary to carry out this function.
Rebuild Database button
Rebuild Database button
Use to:
When want to rebuild the internal database.
Indicates "Now Rebuilding".
Indicator of Now Rebuilding
Then rebuilds the Calendar-Names data in the internal database.
When processing is finished, I display a message indicating finished of the processing.
Indicator of finish rebuild
Tap this button.
The processing to rebuild an internal database may take time for a while.
Exit button
Exit button
Use to:
When finishing preocess of this Rebuild Data and returning to the Preference screen.
Close this Rebuild Data screen.
And returns to the Preference screen before.
Tap this button.
Usage screen
Usage screen
This usage.
Index column
When you tap "Index" column, I display index list. And tap a item in that index list which you want to look, I display contents of selected section in that index.
Tap section title
When you tap title of each section, you can change the indication and non-indication of contents.
When you want to return to the Preference screen before, operate The Return To The Last Screen which is the standard of your device.
About screen
About screen
Informetions of this application.
An agreement matter on using this application.
An update history of this application.
And the information of the error that happened if an error was taking place.
When you want to return to the Preference screen before, operate The Return To The Last Screen which is the standard of your device.
Error Report screen
Error Report screen
The information of the error that occurred.
Buttons to report an error to the developer.
When after an unexpected error occurred, you carried out the About screen function.
Indication of the information of the unexpected error that occurred. And, reporting to the developer.
When you tap the Send button, I open up a mailer and you can send an email of the error report to the developer.
When you tap the Cancel button, I close the Error Report screen, and display the About screen.
After you closed this Error Report screen, it is not displayed until the next unexpected error occurs.
Look at the instruction manual of the mailer if you want to know the operation method of the mailer that you use.
Usage and syntax of the Equation
About a column of the Equation displayed in some the Date-Definition entry form, I explain detailed usage here.
Equation input column
Calculates a text which you input into Equation as a formula and finds an integer.
Input a text of an equation into input column with a keyboard.
The calculating formula is constructed in the Number and the Operator, the Function, the Substitution.
I operate all it for a real number during the operation of the equation, but the found answer becomes the integer.
One-byte characters are usable to an equation basically.
But only the Date-Definition name put in # # of the Substitution permits the letter of the multi-byte.
Syntax of Equation
Expression Operator (Expression) Operator ... Expression
It begins in the Expression, and finish being the Expression.
The calculation order of the Expression also can be controlled by ().
The Space(0x20) and the Tab(0x09) between the element are ignored.
Number or Substitution or Function(Expression) or (Expression Operator Expression)
Each Expression can also be surrounded by ().
Real number that was constructed in Arabic figures (0 to 9), decimal point, sign of the plus and minus (+-).
If the decimal value is 0, you can omit a decimal (including the decimal point).
When a sign to divide a figure (, or space or etc.) becomes available, an error occurs.
An identifier to substitute applicable numerical value.
# of both ends of the Substitution is necessary.
Replaces it with year of the Christian era when the operation intends for this Substitution before beginning the operation of the equation.
Does not distinguish the small and capital letter.
Replaces it with month (1 to 12) when the operation intends for this Substitution before beginning the operation of the equation.
Does not distinguish the small and capital letter.
The day of the date of Calendar-Name of different Date-Definition.
Replaces this Substitution with a day before beginning the operation of the equation. It is a day on the first date that there is during a period for the operation in dates of Calendar-Names which converted registered different Date-Definition.
Using the name of a registered Date-Definition in "name".
When Date-Definition of the same name is registered, I use a Date-Definition accords in year and month when the operation intends, and it have smallest ID number.
When Date-Definition of the name that you specified is not found, or does not match year and month when the operation intends, 0 is substituted.
Function for the numerical value.
Does not distinguish the small and capital letter at function name.
The part where signs [ ] were surrounded by in a format is omissible. When you input an expression, signs [ ] are unnecessary.
addday(Expression(1), Expression(2), Expression(3), Expression(4))
Returns a day which added the specified days to specified date.
Expression(1) Expression to calculate year of the Christian era.
Expression(2) Expression to calculate a month number. A month number is one of 1 to 12.
Expression(3) Expression to calculate a day. The first day of month is 1. When that day is 0 it is judged an error. And this function returns 0.
Expression(4) Expression to calculate an addition days count.
addwkday(Expression(1), Expression(2), Expression(3), Expression(4), Expression(5))
Returns a day which added the specified days to specified date which was appointed by a week number and a day of week.
Expression(1) Expression to calculate year of the Christian era.
Expression(2) Expression to calculate a month number. A month number is one of 1 to 12.
Expression(3) Expression to calculate a week number in month. The first week number is 1.
Expression(4) Expression to calculate a day of week number.
Expression(5) Expression to calculate an addition days count.
eastere(Expression(1), Expression(2))
Returns a day of Easter using Julian calendar.
Expression(1) Expression to calculate year of the Christian era.
Expression(2) Expression to calculate a month number. A month number is one of 1 to 12.
The Eastern Church adopts the calculation method to use by this function mainly.
The day of Easter calculate by using year of the Christian era, but return 0 when not match with the month which the month appointed.
easterw(Expression(1), Expression(2))
Returns a day of Easter using Gregory calendar.
Expression(1) Expression to calculate year of the Christian era.
Expression(2) Expression to calculate a month number. A month number is one of 1 to 12.
The Western Church adopts the calculation method to use by this function mainly.
The day of Easter calculate by using year of the Christian era, but return 0 when not match with the month which the month appointed.
if(Expression(1), Expression(2), Expression(3)[, Expression(4)])
Returns a result of other Expression by the answer that calculated Expression(1).
Expression(1) Expression to calculate a divergence condition.
Expression(2) Expression to calculate a result at the case of 0 < Expression(1).
Expression(3) Expression to calculate a result at the case of Expression(1) = 0 or, the case of Expression(1) < 0 and Expression(4) is omitted.
Expression(4) Expression to calculate a result at the case of Expression(1) < 0. Returns a result of Expression(3) when omits this expression.
Returns a integer value.
Cuts off the decimal value of the evaluation numerical value and returns a maximum integer less than that evaluation numerical value (include that number).
int(1.45) = 1.0
int(-1.45) = -2.0
Returns the count of epagomenal days of the specified year.
Calculates year of the Christian era at the Expression. And counts of epagomenal days in that year.
In a year previous than 1582, year to be divisible with 4 gives back 1.
In a year after than 1582, year to be divisible with 4 and be not divisible with 100, or to be divisible with 400, gives back 1.
I give back -10 by a particularity in 1582.
In the another year, I give back 0.
Return the count of epagomenal days inserted by the designation year.
Calculates year of the Christian era at the Expression. And returns the days of epagomenal days inserted by that year from 1 year in the Christian era.
The days of epagomenal days to return include the epagomenal days of the year of the answer to Expression.
Before 1582, I add 1 to every year to be divisible with 4.
After 1582, I add 1 to every year to be divisible with 4 and be not divisible with 100, or to be divisible with 400.
I subtract 10 by a particularity in 1582.
sunangl(Expression(1), Expression(2))
Returns the days from the beginning of the year when the sun arrive to a point of specified ecliptic angle.
Expression(1) Expression to calculate year of the Christian era.
Expression(2) Expression to calculate an angle of ecliptic. (Degreement)
The days from the beginning of the year demanded by ecliptic angle (angle on the ecliptic that I looked at from the earth of the sun) become the days revised at GMT +9.00 (Japan time) of difference time.
sunangl(#y#,135) = The beginning of fall
A sign to order a calculation between the numerical value.
I explain it from a high-priority thing sequentially here.
Multiplies the left side value and the right side value of the operator.
Divides the left side value by the right side value of the operator.
Divides the left side value by the right side value of the operator and finds a remainder with an integer.
Divides the left side value by the right side value of the operator and finds a remainder with a real number.
Adds up the left side value and the right side value of the operator.
Subtracts the right side value from the left side value of the operator.
Errors in Calculation
It divided by 0, or found differences in the format of the equation, used letters which cannot use for the Equation, these cases become the error and returns 0.
Probably, returns an unanticipated value to interpret character string to this side as Expression when space or an unusable sign is included in the middle of numerical character string.

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Copyright © 2014 Applisacc Co.