to ToppageLusynon
Terms of service
日本語 Revised July 15, 2017
Before using
* The name of this application is called [lú | sː | non].
* The vendor of this application is a company called Applisaku located in Sakura in Minoo City, Osaka Pref., Japan.
* This application shall be distributed on sites on the Internet managed or designated by the vendor.
What is a user?
* A person or organization that begin using this application.
* A person or organization holding some or all of this application on the device.
* A person or organization that purchased this application.
* A person or organization that transferred some or all of this application.
* A person or organization that agree to this Terms of service.
Start of use
At the same time, we consider that the point in time when one of the following conditions applies is used, and at the same time the user agrees to this Terms of service.
* When a person or organization starts an act of preserving a part or all of this application on a device regardless of means or reason.
* When a person or organization agree to this Terms of service by means offered by the vendor.
* When a person or organization has instructed another person or another organization to use this application.
* When a person or organization has settled the payment for this application to another person or another organization.
End of use
We regard the point in time when any of the following conditions is deemed by the user as termination of use of this application and both parties discarded the consent of this Terms of service.
* When the user offered the end of use.
* When the user erases all of this application from all devices.
* When the user is unable to continuously use this application due to damage due to force majeure.
* When the user transfers some or all of this application to another person or another organization.
* When the user transfers the account on which settlement has been made to another person or another organization.
* When the user ceases to exist due to death or dissolution.
* When the user violates laws, public order and morals and this Terms of service.
* When the vendor becomes unable to provide this application normally and smoothly due to force majeure, damage or bankruptcy.
* When the vendor transfers the development authority of this application to a third party.
* When the vendor notifies the user in advance and ends providing the application.
* When the vendor ceases to exist due to death or dissolution.
* When the vendor violates laws, public order and morals and this Terms of service.
Effective use
When a person or organization that is a user is in a use state satisfying the following conditions, it is regarded as effective use.
* The service was started by the vendor managed or specified.
* Settlement by the vendor by settlement method managed or specified.
* A personal user are using on five or fewer devices owned by them.
* Even if the personal user himself did not settle, he started using the Family Library on Google Play.
* An organization user started using the device after making settlement equivalent to the necessary number of devices owned by themself.
* An user are using laws, public order and morals and usage according to this Terms of service.
Irregular use
* A person or organization against laws and public order and morals started using them.
* The user contravened laws, public order and morals and Terms of service.
* The user obtained and used it without depending on the distribution means managed or designated by the vendor.
* The user started using the settlement not managed or specified by the vendor.
* The content of this application was analyzed.
* Modified the contents of this application.
* All or part of this application was transferred or distributed to another person or another organization.
* All or part of this application was used for profit purposes or commercial purposes without the permission of the vendor.
* All or part of the content displayed / created in this application was used for profit purposes or commercial purposes without the permission of the vendor.
* Forced the vendor to change the contents of this application, distribution method, and settlement method.
Determination of price
* The vendor may set up price for this application.
* The vendor can charge the user of this application for the price.
* The vendor may change the amount of price set for this application without notice.
Repayment of the price
* Even after settlement of this application is established, the user can request the vendor to return the price based on legal grounds.
* The vendor does not refuse refund of payment requested by user based on legal grounds without just cause.
* The vendor will not refund the amount exceeding the amount of money set for this application for the refund of the charged fee.
* The vendor may charge a fee necessary for returning the price to the person or the organization requesting the refund of the price.
* Even if there is a case that the user suffers damage by using this application, the vendor will not take any responsibility.
* Even if the user may be unable to use this application properly due to force majeure and negligence, the vendor will not bear any responsibilities.
Report a problem
* The vendor accept reports of opinions, suggestions or defects that are useful for maintaining and managing this application to operate soundly.
* Contents of reports received from users are carefully examined and used to create applications that users can use more healthily.
* The vendor may disclose the report sent from the user in general, together with the correspondence status, after hiding the personal information.
Collection and protection of personal information
* In order to settle this application, the vendor may collect information identifying an individual with the consent of the user.
* The vendor may gather information to identify individuals with the consent of the user for dialogue such as exchange of opinions, communication and mutual information provision.
* The vendor do not collect content or data created by users through this application without permission.
* The vendor treats personal information obtained from users strictly and uses it for improvement, maintenance, management and sale of this application, not for other purposes.
* Even if the user uses the application or service provided by someone other than the vendor to collect the personal information of the user through this application, the vendor does not know.
Distribution by partner
* The vendor may distribute this application using the service provided by the affiliate contracted with the vendor.
* The vendor may settle this application by using the service provided by the affiliate contracted with the vendor.
* Even when distributing this application by the affiliated company's service, this Terms of service condition is applied as well as when the vendor distributes it directly.
* When distributing or settling this application by the affiliate's service, conditions for acceptance indicated by the affiliate may be imposed.
* The vendor shall not bear any responsibility for the failure caused by the affiliate's service and the damage the user has suffered due to the failure.
Dealing with unauthorized use
* Depending on the circumstances of unauthorized use, the vendor may instruct illegal users to stop using them.
* Depending on whether there is damage or not, the vendor may request compensation against illegal users.
* Depending on the circumstances of coping with unauthorized use, the vendor may prosecute illegal users.
* Depending on the circumstances of coping with unauthorized use, the vendor may disclose the personal information of the unauthorized user obtained in the coping process to others.
Revision of Terms of service
* The vendor may revise this license without prior notice.
* When the vendor revises this Terms of service, user consent is not required.
* The vendor can not describe conditions that are severely disadvantageous to the user in this Terms of service.

Meaning of the term
An executable file / data file / document file stored in the package file, an executable file / data file / document file used at the time of execution of this application, an executable file / data file / document file created by executing this application, an extended file / data file / document file of this application separately distributed from the vendor, Refers to programs and data generated in memory when this application is executed.
Data / data files that extend applications distributed by third parties and data / data files created / stored by users are excluded.
Regardless of whether the size is large or small, the computer device and all the output devices, the input device, and the storage device that are associated with and functioning therewith can be regarded as one.
An act of holding part or all of this application, an act of viewing contents displayed by this application, an act of operating this application, and an act of storing data created by this application.
It refers to a person or organization that is the subject of providing this application to the public in general.
The vendor is not necessarily the same as the developer.
Among the Terms of service of this application, refer to a person or organization that are contracting parties to vendors.
The user includes a person or organization who instructed the use of this application and a person or organization who settled.
the Family Library
A settlement system on Google Play that allows applications to be shared by members of a Family Group (up to 6 people) with one purchase.
the Family Group
The user may include, but is not limited to, a family group, with a family manager and family members whose accounts are joined together for the purpose of creating a family group. Family groups on Google Play will be subject to reasonable limits designed to prevent abuse of family sharing features. Users in a family group may purchase a single copy of the Product (except in-app and subscription Products, which cannot be shared) and share it with other family members in their family group. (Extracted from effectiveness of the Google Play Developer Distribution Agreement. effective as of May 17, 2017)
Organization, administrative agency, legislative body, judicial agency, various educational institutions, corporate, business, shop, religious group, political group, parliamentary office, association, association, medical organization, sports organization, skill group, entertainment organization, union, Communities, associations, councils, NPOs, NGOs, citizen groups, volunteer groups, relatives, friends, friends, acquaintances, etc, regardless of profit or nonprofit, having the same intention, thought, purpose or means And unite people or mechanisms to mobilize or collaborate regardless of the location of the activity.
Instruct by a person or organization
Person intention or, as the intention of the organization as instructed by the organization's decision-making mechanism or the representative of the organization or its agent, regardless of whether it is subordinate to the person or belonging to that organization, other specified or unspecified person or organizations Request, order, guidance, mediation, evocation, recommendation, announcement or advertisement regardless of whether or not consent is made regardless of compulsion.
Settlement of a person or organization
Person intention or, as the intention of the group based on the institution's decision-making mechanism or the representative of the group or its agent, regardless of whether it is subordinate to that person or belongs to that group, regardless of whether or not you agree with other specified or unspecified persons or organizations, regardless of whether or not agree, it refers to settling the price for this application, regardless of whether or not money is transferred.
Regardless of the user, the person or organization holding it says that this application is handed over to another person or organization regardless of whether it is paid or not.
A person or organization who possesses to make a state that a specific or unspecified person or organization can acquire this application at any time.
Distribution site
Refers to a site and a service organization on the Internet having a mechanism to distribute the package file of this application.
Personal Information
Address, name, age, date of birth, blood type, distinction of sex, birth place, domicile relationship, financial institution account information, credit card information, phone number, mail address, SNS account, website access account, payment account, location Information that can identify one person with one or more pieces of information representative of such information.
Or information that allows you to specify how a person lives.
However, information necessary for procedures used for connection to information on the Internet is excluded.
Sound condition
This application obtained by legitimate means refers to a state in which the vendor performs the assumed action.
Continuous unusable
Consecutive 72 hours as a guide, lacking a healthy state during that, refers to a state where it can not be used at all.
Laws and regulations
International law, the laws of the country and region to which the user belongs, the laws of the countries and regions in which this application is used, the laws and regulations of the country and region to which the person who operates or owns the equipment distributing this application belongs, the laws and regulations of the countries and areas to which the equipment distributing this application belongs, and the laws of the countries and areas to which the vendor belongs.
Force majeure
It is an accidental event that a natural disaster, flooding or inundation, flood, earthquake, natural fire, lightning strike, storm, storm, storm, storm, salt damage, tsunami, fallen tree, meteorite fall, natural disaster, fire, power failure, explosion, marine accident, building collapse , Arrest, restraint, guidance, confinement, arrest, restraint, guilty, confinement, arrest, basketball, blockade, intimidation, civil war, civil riot, civil war, civil war, riot, disturbance , War (whether or not declaring war with or without declaration), wartime regime, situation similar to war, behavior or plundering by military, commission, transportation power shortage, restrictions on exercise of authority, currency restriction, trade Stop, strikes, industrial strikes, factory closure, labor problems or other labor disputes, legal regulations, government ordinances and regulations, administrative guidance by the executive branch, refusal to issue government permits, infectious diseases, isolation, emergency, Influence Kick say the reason that exceeds the reasonable control of the parties. And secondary damage caused by these.